Chapter 2

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"I love your hair longer." The fact that I've said what I was thinking out loud takes me by surprise. I snort audibly at my words that I only expected to hear in my head.

We've sat in silence through the latest Star Wars movie as Daniel lay in my lap. Although I love this movie, my mind has wandered to feel how grateful and lucky I am to have Daniel here with me. A warm fuzzy feeling washes over me, and I bathe in it momentarily.

My finger spirals around the curl at the front of his head when the sound of Georgia's gunshot unexpectedly replays in my mind. The battle rages on the screen like the one that echoes inside my skull. Every time I hear it in my head, it catapults me back to the sight of Daniel bleeding out on the floor.

Breathe... one... two... he's safe... breathe...

"Hmmm." Daniel absentmindedly responds, obliviously to my dark thoughts as my fingernails scratch his scalp before twisting his waves through my hands.

I shake my head to rid myself of the image, and remind myself that we're here... together. "It seems to be getting curlier."

"Hmmm... that's why I usually only let it grow to a certain length... it gets unruly." Daniel speaks slowly and sleepily while keeping his eyes shut.

"I like unruly." I chuckle.

Leaning down I play a simple kiss on his lips. When I pull away Daniel pouts, but keeps his eyes closed. "More..." he mumbles.

With a grin on my face as the credits for the movie begin to roll, I lean back down to kiss him again. This time I kiss him softly before slowly grazing my tongue across his lower lip. Daniel groans before his lips part. The kiss then develops into something else... something I wasn't expecting to be there so soon after Daniel has been discharged from hospital.

Daniel leans up on his elbow on his good side to give him more control. The soft and innocent kiss then becomes agonisingly slow and sensual as our tongues swirl around with equal passion. Neither wanting to dominate the other... just enjoying the sensation after so long.

Pulling away breathless, Daniel lays his head back down with a frustrated wince. "Shit!" He mutters bitterly.

"You OK?" I ask urgently while my pulse begins to return to normal.

"Just hurting a bit." He grimaces and stretches his neck.

"Well maybe if you would just let me kiss you it wouldn't hurt as much." I laugh softly.

"That's the thing, Lizzie. When you kiss me, I always want to kiss you back." He bites his lip. "The fact that you've been playing with my hair and scratching my scalp for the last twenty minutes only adds to my need."

I remove my hands in defeat and hold them above my head. "No more playing... of any kind."

"Put your hands back where they were." He smirks cheekily towards me under his thick eyelashes.

I salute as though he is in command, and resume my twirling of his thick, dark wavy hair.

Picking up the remote, I switch off the movie. Beginning to flick through at speed, rising up the channels I let out somewhere between a shriek and a snort of pure shock when I see footage of us on the screen. "What the bloody hell?" I mumble as I begin to retrace the channels I sailed through a second ago.

When I find the channel again, the news reporter sits behind a desk with papers sprawled in front of her. Directly behind the desk is a large screen with a photograph of Daniel and I at the charity event we attended a few weeks ago. I glance down at my mismatched pyjamas. Then my eyes scan over to Daniel's bare but wounded chest, and his navy blue pyjama bottoms. Slowly, my eyes reach the screen again and take in the image of us that seems like it was taken a lifetime ago.

I'm leaning into Daniel in my pink ombré silk halter neck dress as both of his arms are wrapped around me. We are both grinning at each other, almost like we are oblivious to the circus around us. There is a secret smile of indignation on my face in the image before us. I remember vividly that the night was about showing the world that Charlie's bullshit comments meant nothing. However, it had soon turned into a beautiful evening of dancing, laughing and kissing.

"Hollywood movie star, Daniel Weston was released from a central London hospital in the early hours after being shot at the hands of a terrifying stalker who had also attempted to murder his girlfriend, Lizzie Cooper, earlier this year." The news anchor looks seriously into the camera as the image behind transforms into video footage of us leaving the hospital.

As soon as the footage begins to play, I change the channel with a grunt.

"Why do they never say actor?" Daniel speaks with a melancholy tone. "All these reports never mention what I do for a living... they all use those fucking words... movie star!"

Slowly, Daniel sits up. I support him as he struggles to lift himself up. He lets out a huge sigh of relief once he is able to lean back on the sofa. I guide him to sit forward a little as I plump a cushion up and place it behind his back.

"I'm an actor not a movie star." He speaks so sadly that I feel my heart break a little.

"Look, I'm no expert on any of this and usually I just take your lead on how to react. But, all I can say to you is don't let a title define who you are... you're an actor... end of!" I stroke my hand down the side of his cheek, feeling the bristles scratch against my palm. "The media call you that because it's a name that I guess they think is above being an actor, like it's saved for the most popular and well known actors." My tone is unsure as I don't really know what I'm talking about, I just want to make him feel better.

"It just pisses me off that's all." He scrunches up his nose as he holds his chest.

"I'll get you some more pain meds." As I stand up he reaches for my hand, pulling me back down on to the sofa.

"In a minute." He kisses the back of my hand that he is still holding.

"Georgia doing what she did had nothing to do with you being defined as a movie star." I know I've broached the issue that he really has with the stupid title when I see the pain in his eyes.

"But there are always stories in the media about me, mostly bullshit, but still.... stories." He pinches the bridge of his nose.

"OK, it may have made it easier for her to keep track on you. But, listen to me..." I wait patiently for him to look at me. "Her obsession with you started at school, before the whole fame thing happened. Look what she did to Robin... that happened when you were at school! I don't think it would have mattered what you did for a living, Georgia was sick and-"

Daniel cuts me off by pulling me to him. He presses his lips against mine to silence me. Softly at first, but as I open my mouth to allow him access to my tongue, he emits a breathy sigh. "I love you." He whispers against my lips.

"I love you too." I whisper back as I gently rise to my knees next to him, making sure not to lean on him.

His hand snakes up to grip the back of my head. Daniel then presses his forehead to mine. "You make everything better." His words leave his mouth with such heartfelt emotion, I feel a lump rise in my throat.

"Glad I can be of assistance." I chuckle softly, but don't move at all.

I'm not sure how long we stay frozen in place, but it's over too soon. Daniel yawns widely. "Let's get you to bed, baby." He nods in response and I lean down to help him stand. "You go up, I'll get your pain meds and some water."

When we reach the bottom of the stairs, he kisses my temple before he releases me. "What would I do without you, eh?"

"That is something you'll never have to find out, you're stuck with me now remember." I pat my flat stomach while wiggling my eyebrows.

He emits a quiet laugh. "I would not want it any other way."

- hey guys!

So here is chapter 2! What do you think?

Bit of cuteness between them ❤️

Thank you all so much for sticking with their story - hope you're enjoying it!

Please tick the little star too. Love T x -

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