Chapter 8

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Sitting back in the driver's seat, I feel exhaustion weigh down on me. Daniel closes my door before striding around the front of the car. He takes the seat next to me, and I flash him a weary smile.

Daniel leans across to kiss my waiting lips. "You're amazing." He speaks softly with his eyes still closed.

I chuckle quietly in response. "I've just spent the last two hours either crying or listening to Caroline being sick."

"Don't deflect what I've just said!" He bites his lip as he looks over at me with raised eyebrows. He knows me better than I know myself sometimes. "That was a really big deal in there, and you handled it beautifully." He pushes a strand of my hair behind my ear. "The bond that you two have is really something."

"I know, I'm very lucky to have her." I agree with a nod.

"And she's very lucky to have you in her corner, Sarah too. I'll say it again... you're amazing." Daniel looks at me seriously as though he is waiting for me to make some witty comment so I don't have to accept his compliment. But, the way his blue eyes strip away my defences makes me realise that he means what he's saying.

"Thank you." I whisper as I kiss him again.

Starting the engine, I begin the drive back to our rented house. My phone vibrates in the centre console, indicating a message has come through. "Can you have a look at that please?" I ask Daniel while I focus on the busy central London traffic. "I think it'll be Mom."

Daniel picks up my phone and reads from the screen. He chuckles at the message. "Your Mom is so formal in messages it makes me laugh! Lizzie... full stop... on our way... full stop... hope all is well with you and Daniel... full stop... will stop to eat on journey... full stop... dad said estimated journey time is three hours... new line... love mom and dad!"   

I burst out laughing at the formal style in which Daniel reads her message. "Don't make me laugh, I need a wee!" I exclaim feeling a pressure building on my bladder.

"Sorry! I'll distract you. So... have you thought how you want to tell your parents?" He asks while I pray for the traffic to clear.

"I keep thinking about it, but I don't want to fall apart again!"

"Just see how the conversation flows later and tell them when it feels right."

I nod in return and reach across to place my hand on Daniel's thigh. Opening my mouth to explain how excited, but nervous I am to tell my parents that they're finally going to be grandparents, I feel another lump rise in my throat. My thoughts are then disrupted when Daniel's phone begins to ring.

"It's the estate agent." He explains before he answers the call. Although I can only hear one half of the conversation, I'm quickly able to establish that Daniel won't set a maximum budget for the house. "Look, Eve. The price of the property is really secondary for us." His tone is measured as he speaks, knowing that I'll be uncomfortable with the fact that for once in my life I shouldn't be worried about how I'm going to afford something. I keep my eyes on the road, so I don't give away how uneasy I feel. Eve must be talking as Daniel remains silent for a while. "Perfect! You have the email with the list of our requirements." He listens again. "Great. We look forward to seeing you then. Bye."

"No budget, huh?" I ask, but keep my state straight ahead. I see familiar roads signs, indicating we're nearly back at the house. Thank God, I feel like I won't be able to hold my bladder much longer.

In my peripheral vision, Daniel shrugs like it is completely normal not to have a budget for your next home. "This house needs to have everything we both want, so... no budget."

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