Chapter 30

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Stealing a sideways glance at Daniel while we weave through the country lanes of the south east Cotswolds, I cannot stand the heavy silence anymore.

"Are you OK?" I ask, but he doesn't respond. Daniel's eyes are glued to the road while he bites at his thumbnail, lost in his own head.  "Daniel?" I speak a little louder.

"Hmmm... sorry." Daniel shakes his head abruptly. "I was miles away."

"What are you thinking about?" I reach across to take his hand, pulling it away from his face and intertwine my fingers with his.

"Nothing really." His tone is relaxed, but I know he's lying.

"Liar." I smirk to lighten the mood, relaxing a little when he returns my smile. Although his lips are grinning, his ocean blue eyes show that there is something on his mind. I stroke his hand reassuringly. "You can talk to me... if you're having second thoughts about going back to either this house or the one in London, then I'm fine with that. We can start the search again-" Daniel cuts me off.

"Babe, it has nothing to do with either of these houses! I just can't switch my mind off today, but I promise you... I'm fine."

The lanes become more familiar as we approach the house. Daniel turns into the driveway and the sight of it takes my breath away, just like the first time.

"Where is Eve?" I ask once I'm out of the car, realising that her car isn't in the driveway.

"I asked her to open it up, but not be here when we arrived. I wanted us to look round again in private." He grins devilishly when he opens the front door, immediately turning to gesture for me to walk through first.

We wander around each of the rooms in a state of euphoria, taking our time. In each room, my imagination shows me exactly how it could look and nothing has really changed in my mind since our first visit.

I stand in the second of the five bedrooms, currently neutrally decorated. The enormous bay windows invite the summer sun to flood into the room. Allowing my mind full reign to imagine how this room would look for our babies, I let out a long and relaxed sigh. Unexpectedly, I feel a flutter in my stomach. My hand immediately rests on my bump when I feel it again. I hold my breath to make sure it's not just gas. A tear pricks at my eyes feeling our babies. "I know... I want this to be your room too." I whisper to them.

Daniel follows me into the room with a lopsided grin. "So... tell me... babies room?"

I nod. "Definitely. It'd be right next to ours." I walk to one of the bay windows. "I just felt them!"

Daniel remains in the doorway casually leaning against the doorframe. "Oh my God, that's amazing. Can't wait until they're strong enough for me to be able to feel them too."

We both smile at each other from across the room. "Let me in, what do you see for in here?" He asks softly.

I turn and grin widely, seeing the room as it would be if we bought this house. "The walls would be painted a pale lemon... their white matching cots would be there." I point against the wall that stays out of the sunlight. "Curtains and accessories would initially be in a soft grey."

"Nice and neutral." He smirks.

"Exactly... team yellow! We can then buy more coloured items once they're here." I turn to point at the opposite wall. "White wardrobes over here.... rocking chairs there.... bookcase in the middle."

He chuckles, making me look at him from across the room. "What?" I ask.

"I love you!" He beams at me before his face suddenly becomes serious. "You want to know something crazy?"

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