Chapter 60

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As usual Christmas Day passes by in a blur, as though this time of year is always on fast forward. The house is full of laughter as the Christmas lights glow around us, which has made me feel a constant internal warmth.

It is Ben's turn at charades, and he is bloody awful. While my parents, Caroline, Jeremy, Oscar and Harriet watch with amusement as Sarah excitedly fires her wrong answers to an increasingly frustrated Ben, I watch Daniel rocking Jack by the Christmas tree. Grace is nestled into my chest, oblivious to the antics playing out around her.

"Times up!" Jeremy gleefully shouts watching the stop watch while holding Lily.

"You're so shit!" Sarah shouts in annoyance before picking up her brandy and finishing the glass. "What the hell was that supposed to be?"

"Raiders of the Lost Ark... you know... Indiana Jones?" He sits down heavily to sip his brandy.

"What was all the crouching about?" Oscar asks, looking genuinely confused.

"I was carrying the Ark!" He exclaims before standing to repeat the motion.

"Sorry dear, but that wasn't very clear." My mother says sympathetically.

"Someone else can be on Ben's team next time." Sarah teases Ben, and he bobs out his tongue in response.

There is a wave of "no thanks" muttered around the room making us all laugh loudly.

"We love you really, Ben!" Daniel says with a wicked grin. He wiggles his eyebrows swiftly towards me, so I know he's finally ready to tell Ben about Jack's middle name.

"I don't need your sympathy!" Ben feigns sorrow as he walks over towards Daniel. He holds out his hands, and Daniel gently passes Jack over to him. Ben begins to rock Jack back to sleep.

"Have we told you what the twins middle names are?" I ask innocently.

Ben shakes his head. "No. What are they?"

As everyone else is already aware of Jack's middle name, the mood in the room changes with anticipation. There has been playful betting between Sarah and Jeremy about whether Ben will cry when he is told.   There is £20 riding on his reaction, with Sarah adamant he will weep like a baby.

"Grace's middle name is Holly." I smile warmly, enjoying the build up.

"Beautiful." Ben responds without pause.

"...and Jack's middle name is Benjamin... after you." I grin wildly. As I glance around the room, everyone's eyes are on Ben in anticipation for his reaction.

"After me?" He asks before he swallows loudly.

"After you, mate. Like I said, we love you!" Daniel pats his shoulder affectionately.

Ben's face crumples as he struggles to contain his emotions. He wipes his eyes aware that everyone is still looking at him. But, the tears flow faster than he can wipe them. "Oh, shit!" He whispers before kissing Jack's forehead. Ben looks up at me. "Thank you." He mumbles.

"It's the least we could do after everything you have done for us." I respond, feeling my tears spill over too.

The room erupts into a little applause for Ben. As soon as it fades Sarah sways over to Jeremy. "Cough up, Jer. £40!" She smiles devilishly.

"I though it was £20?" Daniel asks with a furrowed brow.

"Double or quits if Ben then made Lizzie cry!" She grins towards Ben. "Takeaway Indian is on me tomorrow Benny boy."

Ben chuckles as she takes Jack from him, cradling him gently. "You bet money that I would cry?" He asks.

"Damn straight!" Sarah laughs causing Jack to stir in her arms.

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