Chapter 35

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"Another large glass of Pinot Grigio, please..." Sarah says abruptly to the passing waiter who nods and smiles in response. "I'm going to need it tonight!"

"Urgh, I'm so jealous! I've said to Jeremy that I might sneak a bottle of wine into my hospital bag to celebrate with once she's out." Caroline grins devilishly over the candlelight of the round table. Our meals are recently finished, and we are all so much more relaxed now our bellies are full.

"I think a glass of wine will be the bottom of your list of priorities with how messed up your vagina is going be." Sarah playfully chastises Caroline causing us both to giggle loudly in the restaurant. We get some curious looks from people on the tables around us, but that only adds to the hilarity. "I don't know what you're laughing at," she animatedly points towards me with her wine glass. "You've got to do it twice!"

I decide to not give her the satisfaction of a reaction, and instead simply shrug and nod in agreement, raising my glass of overpriced orange juice in a mock toast. "So, are you both still available to come and see Robin with me tomorrow? I need all the backup I can get with Mom and Madison when it comes to choosing both a wedding dress and bridesmaid dresses."

"Of course, I've booked the day off especially to battle the lovely Madison!" Sarah comments sarcastically while I reach across and squeeze her hand, thankful that they are both here for me.

"Yep, I'm going to look ridiculous in whatever bridesmaid dress you choose though." Caroline grins before resting her hand over the top of ours.

I burst out laughing. "I'm going to be in a bloody wedding dress, waddling up the aisle. It's a good job Robin is a miracle worker."

"You're right!" Caroline chuckles. "No one is going to be looking at me!"

Sarah takes a big gulp of her wine. Caroline then nods towards her, signalling she thinks it's time to talk about whatever they have planned. My stomach sinks at what they could want to say.

"You sure you're happy with the venue? Look, we think it's absolutely beautiful! But... it's a world away from what you said you wanted!" Sarah bites her lip, clearly nervous about my reaction to her honesty. Caroline stares at me with cautious eyes, waiting for me to answer them.

"Erm, I'm not really sure what to say. I just want to be married to Daniel-"

"You're talking to us now, hun." Caroline interrupts me, calling my bluff on my well rehearsed speech that I've repeated to anyone who has asked over the last few days.

Immediately, my face falls. I don't feel the need to hide my true feelings in front of them. "You should have seen Daniel's face in there, he was so happy. When the wedding coordinator walked us through the layout of the room and the way it will look, he was sold straight away. I mean, he has actual childhood memories in that room of before his Dad left! Then there is Mom, she's literally like a little child being involved in the planning! I know she thinks she is doing the right thing, and that deep down I must want something elaborate. Then, there is Madison..."

"The media waiting outside that fucking venue was not a coincidence! She tipped them off, I guarantee it!" Sarah practically snarls.

I nod, believing that Madison makes sure to keep herself in the spotlight at every opportunity. "She's right what she said to me though, I'm marrying an actor... an award winning... fucking top of his game, actor! It's not fair of me to expect him to just get married quietly in our back garden when he has so many people he needs to impress and keep sweet!"

"Fuck off!" Sarah rants, causing more people to look in our direction. Sarah continues, oblivious to looks of disapproval she is receiving. "Firstly, your house does not have a back garden, it has grounds... lots of beautiful fucking grounds... including a lake... so you could have whatever kind of wedding you want there! Secondly, Madison has turned this into her show to ensure that she has Daniel's full attention... all of the time!" She sighs before speaking more quietly. "I'm sorry, I just don't buy it! Daniel would marry you in a heartbeat, he doesn't need the whole charade to say I do! He thinks a big wedding is what you really want!"

"You done?" I tease as she takes a deep breath to compose herself.

"She's right." Caroline says simply. "How many people are on the guest list now?" She winces at my painful expression.

I rub my eyes, remembering the spiralling numbers on the wedding WhatsApp group. Pulling out my phone, I look at the last message from Madison on the group. "Two hundred and thirty four!"

"Fuck... and how many of those were on your original list?" Sarah shrieks dramatically.

"My list was around thirty five. Then when Daniel looked at it, it went to fifty two... then my Mom added a few... then Madison had the list..." I groan loudly.

"Oh sweetie, I don't even know what to say!" Caroline strokes my arm to comfort me.

"Apparently she's been liaising with Chris about whose who to invite! Also, she's invited important members of the stupid clubs she's on the committee of to try and impress them, I guess!" My tone is heavy and I don't even try to hide it in front of my best friends.

"Definitely, I bet most of them didn't even believe that Daniel was really her son considering they never saw each other." Sarah snidely remarks before finishing her glass of wine. "Now she gets the chance to show the world that she is the Mother of the great Daniel Weston!"

My phone begins to beep with repeated messages, making me sigh because I know it will be Madison. Pulling my phone out of my bag I see a whole series of messages sent only to me of multi-tier wedding cakes, elaborate flowers, frilly dresses, enormous table centrepieces, and dated colour schemes.

"Just look at all this shit..." passing my phone across to Caroline and Sarah, they both wince at Madison's usual flamboyant tastes. "I hate that Daniel's not even going to be there tomorrow either, so she's not going to have to hide her snarky comments!"

"Fuck me, Lizzie! Don't worry, we will both be there to protect you tomorrow. I might just have to put her in her place, just like I did in the hospital!" Sarah laughs menacingly, and I know from the look in her eyes that she means every word.

"I wish I was a fly on the wall for that conversation!" Caroline comments simply.

"Well, you might get a repeat performance tomorrow if she starts!" Sarah wiggles her eyebrows.

"Jesus! We're in for an eventful day tomorrow!" I moan desperately into my hands.

- hey guys

What do you think of this chapter?

It's a little shorter than usual and a bit of a filler, but I wanted to show how Lizzie is feeling and that she thinks she is making Daniel happy by going along with the wedding plans!

What do you think is doing to happen next?

Thank you for still reading, I really appreciate all your support! Please tick the little star too. Love T x -

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