Chapter 24

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"Let me see these babies!" Ben grins as I hand him the latest scan pictures across the kitchen island where we are sat around.  He places his coffee cup down and studies the pictures curiously before his face breaks into an enormous smile. "I can actually make them out now! It's amazing isn't it, Sarah?"

I watch as he hesitantly turns towards Sarah, nervously awaiting her reaction. The Sarah of old would shoot down his obvious hopes of having a child in a heartbeat, stating that she never wants to have 'snot nosed, over clingy, money pits'. But, watching how much she has changed and grown since falling in love with Ben, I have no idea whether her opinions on motherhood will have altered.

Sarah takes the picture from Ben and she too smiles warmly. "It is," she agrees before shaking her head abruptly. "Don't get ahead of yourself Benny boy, it's still early days... but... I'm not totally against the idea of us.... maybe... you know, in the future..." She ends her words uncharacteristically timidly. "I've moved in with you haven't I? Can't we just enjoy us for a while?"

My jaw falls open in shock before I correct my expression, not wanting to make a big deal about her change of heart. Ben puts his arm immediately around her, and gently kisses her temple. "Of course. I love you." He murmurs before she swats him playfully away.

"How far along are you now?" Sarah asks swiftly to divert the attention from her.

"Fourteen weeks." I beam at them both. "They are growing perfectly at the moment. Consultant is really pleased with us." I talk as I rub my ever expanding belly.

"That's great." Ben nods while he finishes his coffee. "Daniel said the interview went well... Chris was pleased with the edit of it too?"

"Yeah. I haven't watched it yet, but Chris carefully chose the journalist and vetted each of the questions. Daniel came home relatively calm, and said it was really emotional, but thought it had gone well. Chris has seen it, and said it's perfect. She approved it last night. I think it's going out tomorrow, the adverts for it are everywhere..." I sigh audibly, hearing my own voice start to tremble.

"Hey, it's going to be OK." Sarah says before wrapping her arms around me. "Once they realise how boring you both really are, they will back off." She chuckles, and I cannot help but briefly smile too.

"Eurgh!" I groan loudly. "That's what I used to tell myself... we don't do anything! But, my Mom is right! The next few months are going to be a nightmare, and we just need to accept that! Until the babies are here and we are able to fall into some perfectly mundane family routine where the media lose interest, we are going to have to ride it out." I rub my hands down my face in frustration.

Ben nods sympathetically. "That's the best way to look at it... you two are together, these babies will soon be here, and then once the dust settles you can try and be a normal-ish family."

As if on cue, the TV shows the advert for Daniel's interview. Although it's on mute, anyone could see that he's struggling with whatever question he has been asked. Daniel wipes at his eyes before the female journalist hands him a tissue. I watch as his face softens while he composes himself, nodding for her to continue. "I'm not sure I'll be able to watch it." I comment more to myself than to Sarah or Ben before I switch the TV off.

"You do what you need to." Sarah says with authority. She then checks her watch. "How long has he been up there?" She flicks her head towards the ceiling where Daniel sits above us in his office with his therapist.

"Couple of hours today, but he's seen him every other day this week. Some days he's with him for hours. He's asked me to sit in to listen, but I've said it's private and he needs to be able to say exactly what he's feeling without worrying about my reaction."

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