Chapter 59

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Holding my breath, I try to focus on Doctor Isaac's words, but my mind begins to wander through sheer exhaustion. Each day has felt like Groundhog Day. We've been waiting to hear the news that the twins are ready to come home for a full seven days now, and every hour feels like it lasts for a week. Being stuck in hospital with no one able to meet our babies has felt like we're living in limbo. Glancing around the stark white room that has been home for a week, I cannot wait to get out of here. The sterile smell and constant noise of the hospital ward means that I have been unable to rest properly, making my aching body yearn to be home.

Daniel squeezes my hand as Doctor Isaac places Jack's notes down on the table. "It's been a longer route than I anticipated, but I'm happy to discharge both Jack and Grace today." He smiles warmly.

"Really?" is all I am able to articulate, half expecting him to say that I have misheard him and they will need to stay in hospital for a few more days. I glance towards Daniel who looks as though he is about to burst into tears. His cheeks have become rosey while his lips are set into a fine line.

"Yes!" Doctor Isaac says confidently. "Grace has always been the stronger twin, but over the last couple of days Jack has come on leaps and bounds. The fact that they were born just before they were thirty six weeks obviously meant they needed a little help with getting used to being on the outside, but both of them have gained weight beautifully. Keeping a close eye on them this week has meant that they are now classed as full term. They really are little fighters."

"Just like their Mom!" Daniel flashes his million dollar smile. Even though he is as tired as I am, he still manages to light up the room. I bite my lip and grin back, feeling on cloud nine.

"So... you are free to get them out of here!" Doctor Isaac chuckles. "I will come and see them in around a week, just to make sure they are still perfect. However, you have my direct number. Any concerns, day or night, just call."

"Thank you for everything." I say with my voice thick with emotion, turning to my sleeping babies, in their cots right next to each other.

Doctor Isaac nods as he takes a step towards the door. "A nurse will be in with the discharge information shortly." 

Daniel strides over to shake Doctor Isaac's hand a little too enthusiastically, causing Doctor Isaac to laugh. "Thank you so much, we are forever in your debt!"

"Nonsense. Merely doing my job." He looks clearly embarrassed. "Now, I'll leave you to get your babies ready for their journey home." He clears his throat and swiftly leaves the room.

Daniel spins on his heals to face me with  a bewildered expression. As our eyes meet, our faces both transform into mirroring huge smiles. "Really? We can take them home?"

"Yes!" I mumble through happy tears that have started to free fall down my cheeks. Daniel rushes to me, and we hold onto each other tightly, both trembling with excitement. I lean back to look up at him, feeling more in love with him than ever. "Right, let's get Grace and Jack home!"

"So you'll let me go and fetch the car seats?" He teases playfully, remembering me saying it'd be bad luck for us to bring them into the hospital before we are told they can actually go home.

I swat his arm beneath his soft navy jumper. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but yes, go and fetch them while I pack the suitcase!"

Daniel swiftly picks up the car keys, kisses me on the forehead and the briefly stands between the twins cots. "Oh my babies, we're finally going home!" He then practically jogs out of the door. "I'll be five minutes." He shouts as the door closes.

I take a minute to study each of their delicate little pink faces. Grace is fast asleep, her eyes fluttering beneath the lids delicately. Jack, on the other hand, focuses on my face as I lean down. "Hey handsome." I whisper as I stroke his gorgeous little face, seeing Daniel's perfect features staring up at me. "Shall we get ready to go home?"

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