Chapter 34

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Considering we're in London to look at a potential wedding venue, Madison is dressed immaculately. As Daniel and I approach our two Moms in the breakfast room of the exclusive hotel Daniel has paid for them both to stay in, I idly wonder whether Madison owns a pair of jogging trousers, or even jeans! Probably not, I decide while she smoothes down her skintight lavender shift dress. Her hair is poker straight, her skin is tanned, and her heels are far too high for me to attempt at the moment.

My Mom on the other hand, looks graceful, but comfortable. She's clearly made more of an effort with her hair and make up than she usually would, but she's dressed in fitted jeans and a floaty cream blouse.

I struggle to keep my face neutral following Daniel's confessions about his lonely and sad childhood. Memories of the way Daniel touched and caressed every inch of my body last night while whispering how much he loved me as we made love just added to how my heart ached for him. I feel so honoured and privileged that he was able to talk to me about his feelings after a lifetime of bottling them up. I've tried desperately not to make a big deal out of it, so that hopefully he will continue to talk to me. While I lay in the darkness of our breathtaking new home during the early hours of this morning, Daniel slept peacefully against my chest as I held him close, desperately wanting him to feel safe and loved.

When Madison wraps her arms around me stiffly in an over the top embrace, clearly for Daniel's benefit, I fight the urge to slap her smug face. "Hello, Madison." I say calmly before discreetly wriggling from her clutches to approach my Mom.

I hug Mom warmly as she holds me. She then rests her hand on my bump, chuckling softly. "I can't even get close to you now." She pulls back to hold me at arm's length, looking me up and down, studying my stretchy black dress. "I'm so glad you've ditched the loose dresses, Lizzie. You looked like you were wearing a tent every day."

I roll my eyes. "Thanks, Mom!" I tease her playfully.

We sit down for breakfast, and I watch the interaction between Daniel and Madison with a fresh pair of eyes. The awkwardness is obvious to me now. My gut feeling, that I just can't shake is that Madison is a woman trying to stay in her wealthy son's good graces after a lifetime of ignoring him when he strived for her approval. Bitch, I silently scream, not understanding how a mother could treat her child so coldly until he's able to financially take care of her.

The journey to the venue thankfully isn't too long. "I'm so excited for you to see this place, Daniel! We used to visit there a lot when you were little, so it holds a great deal of emotion for me." Madison dabs her eyes dramatically with a fresh tissue. I notice that the tissue isn't even remotely wet when she pulls it away.

My Mom taps her hand reassuringly in the back of the car, clearly sucked in by her sob stories. "It really is beautiful. Madison and I visited for afternoon tea yesterday. I was blown away. I think it's perfect for you both."

Daniel's brow furrows in confusion while he weaves through the London traffic. "I can't think of anywhere we used to visit to be honest Mom."

I reach across and slide my hand into his, just to let him know I'm here for him. He squeezes my hand gently in response, sending me a slight smile in the morning sunlight.

"You will remember when you see it. The Hopewell's used to have all their parties there." Madison opens her expensive handbag to pull out a photograph. "Take a look at my boy, Lizzie."

I reach back to take the photograph. As soon as I see Daniel in the centre of the shot, my heart melts. He looks around four years old with his wavy hair gelled into submission. He's dressed in a white shirt with a black bow tie. Although the photograph is formal with Madison and what must be Daniel's father on either side of him, his ocean blue eyes give him away. The similarities between Daniel and his father are immediately apparent. I painfully realise that I've never seen him before. "Oh my goodness, you were adorable." I smile wholeheartedly, not wanting difficult memories to ruin the day.

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