Chapter 51

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"She's only two centimetres dilated!" Jeremy barks towards me while I'm sat patiently on the hard plastic chairs in the hospital waiting room. His hair is dishevelled, and his usually calm eyes appear completely wild.

"Hi, Jer." I say to greet him.

"Sorry... hi." He mumbles apologetically. "I thought once she'd been induced then our little girl would be well on her way, but midwife is saying it could be hours before she is even in established labour!" He rubs his already tired eyes erratically. "I'm so sorry for calling you so early on, but I didn't know what else to do."

Gripping his forearm, he finally looks at me. "It's fine, you both know I want to be here. Just let me know if there is anything I can do to help. I'll be right out here."

He embraces me tightly. "Shit, Lizzie." Jeremy's voice wobbles.

I pat his back repeatedly. "You can do this! Caroline needs you to be strong!"

He nods almost aggressively, like he is trying to convince himself. "You're not going to leave are you?"

"I'm here for you both. Sarah is on her way too." I release him, and slap him on his back. "Now, you need to get your arse back in there." I order him bluntly.

Jeremy takes a deep breath before marching towards the door. Noticing a vending machine, I buy a bottle of water and a chocolate bar. I practically inhale the chocolate, sitting down alone in the stark white waiting room. The vibration of my phone startles me a little, but my heart races even further when Daniel's face lights up the screen.

"Hello, Hollywood." I smirk, knowing he hates the nickname.

"Hello, Mrs Hollywood." He retorts with pride. "How are you feeling?"

"Nothing has changed in the last thirty minutes since we spoke!" I tease him playfully.

"I refuse to apologise, Lizzie. I'm a three hour plane journey from you-"

"Alright! I was joking!" I interrupt, realising maybe now is not the right time to be teasing him. "I'm feeling fine, just tired."

"How's Caroline?"

"Jeremy has just been out, don't think he is coping too well and it's only just begun! Caroline is two centimetres, so she has a long way to go." I fill him in on the update.

Daniel pauses, like he is thinking something over. "So is your plan still to stay there with Sarah and Ben?"

"Yeah, they are on their way."

"Ok. I'll be home tomorrow afternoon. With me staying this extra night to film, I'm so close to finishing now I can almost taste it!" His voice is silky smooth.

"That's music to my ears."

"I got to go, baby. They are waiting for me. Give my love to Caroline and Jeremy. Text me as things develop. Hopefully I'll be home before their little lady makes her debut! I love you... I love our babies... I can't wait to see you."

"I love you too, and we can't wait for you to be home."

As the call ends, I can just about hear a man calling for Daniel to hurry up. Closing my eyes, I sigh loudly, feeling exhaustion creeping up on me. You got to keep it together, My brain encourages me when all I really want to do is sleep until the babies are here.

"No snoozing on the job!" Sarah's voice cuts through the silence in the waiting room.

My eyes snap open to see her smirking. She's practically standing right over me with her cropped blonde hair and makeup perfectly intact, unlike mine. "Oh, hey." I self-consciously rub my fingers through my wavy hair in a futile attempt to control it.

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