Chapter 55

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Sat alone in my kitchen with a cup of tea that I'm desperately wishing was a large glass of Pinot Grigio, I pick up my phone to speak to Daniel. I know he can't do anything to help, but just hearing his voice will make everything better.

His phone rings out making me glance up at our oversized kitchen clock. "Eight o'clock here is nine o'clock there," I whisper to myself.

"Hello." A female voice answers sounding out of breath. "Davina speaking."

Clamping my eyes shut, I suddenly remember my last conversation with Daniel regarding his filming schedule. Fuck. "Hi Davina, it's Lizzie."

"Holy shit! Shall I grab Daniel? He said if you called tonight it meant you were in labour! Oh my God! Just give me a second-" she shrieks in panic.

I cut her off. "No, no! Davina, listen. I'm not in labour! I completely forgot that Daniel was shooting the action scenes straight through the night!" Inside I want to cry, but I don't want to disturb him when he's due home in a couple of days. "I was only calling for a chat..." I lie.

"You sure everything is OK? He said to disrupt filming if you called?" She sounds torn about what to do.

I laugh as lightheartedly as I can muster to convince her not to disturb him. "Everything is fine. Stupid baby brain. I honestly forgot he was filming this evening, got it into my head he was having some downtime."

"Oh, OK. Daniel hasn't stopped for the last few hours, and the plan is to keep going all night!" She sounds relieved that filming can continue uninterrupted.

"I remember now. I promise I won't call again unless it's an emergency. Please just leave him to work. Bye."

"Well, he's left me with his phone. So if you need him, call and I'll get him straight away. Bye." She clicks off.

Releasing a shaky breath, I know I'm doing the right thing not interrupting filming. It would only distract him, and he would want to fly home when really there is nothing for him to do. A shiver runs down my spine when I imagine him having an accident filming an action scene because he was distracted by events at home.

To give me something to focus on, I dial Rhys's number. "Lizzie, I said I would handle it." He answers the phone without any greeting.

"I can't just sit back and wait, I need to know she is safe." I retort quickly.

He sighs audibly down the phone. "Apparently Willow is originally from a town just outside of Liverpool. Her parents still live there. I'm just in the process of locating an apartment for her near to her parents. They have no idea what's been going on."

"No, they won't have a clue." I say simply.

"She hasn't seen them since she moved in with Ed around a year ago. Looks like he moved on with Willow just after he attempted to assault you in the street, and Daniel beat the shit out of him." Rhys speaks sadly, understanding that Ed found another target once he realised that I was finally out of his reach.

Clamping my eyes shut, I replay that night briefly before I force myself to focus on the here and now. "I'll pay for whatever she needs."

"I know that won't be an issue." Rhys comments simply. "I'll rent the apartment in an alias so Ed won't be able to locate her. However, I'm really hoping that she has the guts to press charges this time. Get that bastard off the streets for good."

"Me too." I whisper, my throat thick with regret at the choices I have made. My phone beeps to signal another call, pulling it away from my ear I see Detective Phillips name light up the screen. "Rhys, Detective Phillips is calling. Can I call you back?"

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