Chapter 10

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As I throw the car keys to my Mini into the air, Daniel catches them with a boyish grin.

"I'll drive." He smirks, flashing his dimples.

I shake my head vigorously with a smile. "Nope. Firstly, I'm sure you haven't been cleared to drive yet, and secondly, that car is my baby." I giggle as I reach for the keys. He holds his hand up high, knowing there is no way I could ever reach up that far. I attempt to pull on his arm, but he remains firm.

I pout dramatically before trying a different tactic. Snaking my hand around his neck, I slowly pull his lips against mine. Daniel licks across my lower lip to encourage me to open my mouth. I do so willingly, and deepen the kiss. As our tongues dance around each other, he lowers his arms to grip my waist. Sliding my fingers down his toned biceps to his forearms, I continue to kiss him passionately. Daniel groans into my open mouth as I reach softly for the car keys.

"Ha ha!" I exclaim joyfully as I dangle the keys  while pulling away from him.

"That's not fair!" He scolds me with a devilish smirk.

"What did you say to me once... oh, yeah... I never play fair!" I chuckle as I do my impression of him. My cheeks then flush as I remember his words as he made love to me on the dining table in the lodge in Lapland.

Daniel throws his head back and bellows with laughter. My own smile falters slightly when I realise that I haven't heard the sound of his melodic laughter often enough recently. I'm going to change that, I decide as the smile returns to my face.

My Mom walks into the hallway with a content grin. I see how relieved she looks as she watches our playful exchange. "Hope the meeting goes well with Chris." She says honestly.

"Thank you, Julie. Are you sure you don't want to join us for dinner this evening with my Mom and Curtis?" Daniel asks her simply.

"No!" I jump in a little too eagerly. I don't want my parents meeting Madison when we tell her about the babies. If she's horrible then my Mom might slap her and make everything worse. "I booked them tickets for Les Miserables this evening, remember?" I explain, trying to sound less panicked. "Our treat."

"Oh, of course. Sorry... forgot. I would love for you to meet them, though."

Mom must see the expression on my face and knows there is more to the story. She purses her lips slightly, so I'm aware the topic is not over. She then turns her attention to Daniel. "That would be lovely, but maybe it's best that you share your wonderful news first."

Daniel nods in agreement. "Yeah, you're probably right."

I use the pause in conversation to leave. "Have fun you two. See you later." I kiss her cheek, and wave at Dad in the kitchen.

As Daniel says his goodbyes, I quickly jump into the driver's seat. Watching Daniel approach the car my heart flutters involuntarily. I know he's struggling about just how helpless Georgia was able to make him feel, but I refuse to let him push me away. Just like he supported me, I'll be there for him no matter how dark it gets.

Driving through central London, the anxiousness in the pit of my stomach continues to grow. I hope Chris has ideas of how we need to handle this media storm we have found ourselves trapped inside. For the last month we have been in the eye of the storm, hidden from the true ferocity. But soon we will have to deal with it properly, or it may never disappear.

"Do you remember Chris visiting you in hospital?" I ask with a frown, remembering how drowsy Daniel had been when he first woke up.

"Erm, not really... it's all pretty vague about who was there." He reaches across to rest his hand on my thigh. "Except for you... I know you never really left my side." He smiles sadly as a memory flashes before his eyes. "When I first woke up, I called for you. You weren't there. I honestly thought you were dead. But then the doc told me to calm down... explained that he sent you out while they removed the machines. Fuck, I was terrified I'd lost you."

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