Chapter 20

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Tentatively I return from the bathroom to our large balcony to sip my water for the third time. The ice cold liquid blissfully cools my burning throat. However, the beautiful morning view does little to ease my nausea.

"You feeling any better?" Daniel asks before planting a firm kiss on the top of my head.

Looking up at him, I raise the first smile of the day. "Yeah. I mean, I still feel nauseous, but I've finally stopped being sick. I've even managed a shower and to get dressed." My hand gestures to yet another loose, cream floaty dress.

"You look gorgeous... absolutely glowing, babe!" He sits next to me with a cup of tea. When I glance over at him, he's wearing the most adorable smile across his face.

"Now I know what Caroline meant... it really is just sweat!" I chuckle at her words.

The iPad on the table begins to ring. I look down and see a FaceTime call from Caroline. "Talk of the devil..." I prop the iPad up so we can both see her and answer the call.

"Hey!" I say with as much energy as I can muster.

My eyes open wide when I realise it's three in the morning at home. My jaw then falls ajar when Caroline, Sarah, Jeremy and Ben come into focus and are eagerly staring back at us. They are all grinning like Cheshire cats.

"Good morning, Mexico!" Jeremy chimes excitedly.

Daniel immediately appears on edge, he leans forward with a stern expression on his face. It feels like he's trying to silently communicate something.

"So... is there any news you would like to share with us?" Caroline practically shrieks.

I look at Daniel, perplexed by the whole bizarre situation. He suddenly looks like he could be sick too. "Not really! We ended up going to dinner with Harrison last night as he unexpectedly joined us on the beach." He keeps his jaw set in a firm line.

"Oh..." Sarah bites her lip. The others look around at each other awkwardly.

"Erm, that sounds nice for you both. Glad to see you all getting along after his little publicity stunt." Ben speaks evenly as though he is trying to change the subject.

I rub my eyes, unable to fathom why everyone is being so weird. A fresh wave of nausea washes over me, distracting me from my chain of thoughts. "Why are you calling at three in the morning? Everything OK at home?"

"Everything is fine. We've been out... just got in... so... erm... just... thought we'd see how you both were." Sarah stutters as her face turns pink.

"What's going on?" I glare from Daniel to my friends. Daniel shrugs, but I can see the nervousness in his eyes.

"We're having a little girl." Caroline blurts out and our other three friends look relieved that Caroline has decided to speak.

"Yeah... yeah! We are! We found out this evening, so wanted to let you know straight away." Jeremy cuts in.

Daniel finally smiles wholeheartedly, but I hear the whoosh of him exhale. "Amazing news guys."

"Awww, Caroline and Jeremy! That's wonderful news. I'm so glad you called." I feel my eyes fill with tears as I speak.

"We were going to wait until you got home in a couple of days... but, you know us... just...  couldn't wait to share the news!" She glances sideways towards Jeremy who smiles back encouragingly.

"I'm so happy for you both!" I put both my thumbs up to the screen.

"Right... we gotta go to bed! Good to chat... Daniel, speak to you later!" Jeremy says to end the call.

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