Chapter 54

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Glancing out of the window for what seems like the tenth time, I grin at the sight of our new car. Parked next to my Mini, it looks enormous.   The Jaguar sits proudly in black with tinted windows to ensure our privacy, like it knows it's their to protect our growing family. "The reality of twins." I chuckle to myself while I rotate the chrome taps of my deep bath to stop the flow of the hot water. Bubbles almost ooze over, noticing me to step in.

I message Daniel with a photograph of my bubble bath while biting my lip. Knowing he is working a twenty hour day today so he can finish and be home in three days, I'm sure I will have some sarcastic message back from him when he gets a spare five minutes. "Three days and Daddy will be home." I inform my gigantic bump, earning me a few kicks in return. "I know, I miss him too."

Awkwardly wriggling out of my clothes, I waddle towards our oversized bath. Using a fluffy white towel I wipe across the mirror so I can see myself. Touching the new puffiness of my cheeks, I then scrape my hair back into a messy bun on top of my head. There is not one inch on my entire body that does not feel swollen and tight. Without another glance, I step into what feels like heaven. I groan loudly at the sensation of being surrounded by water. All of the aches and pains of carrying the babies immediately dissipates from my joints, leaving me feeling as light as air. As with every single back I have, the babies spring to life in the water. My stomach pulses and flinches as they kick and wriggle.

Sinking into the bubbles, I hear my phone start to ring. Realising it'll take me a stupid amount of time to turn over, get on my knees and reach for it, I decide to ignore it. I will call whoever it is back once I'm out of the bath. The ringing comes to an end, and I exhale slowly when the silence thankfully resumes. Unfortunately the shrill of my phone begins again immediately. "Crying out loud." I mutter as I struggle to turn over onto my knees. Water sloshes out of the bath and onto the tiled floor. "Great." I chunter through gritted teeth. "This better be good." By the time I am in a position to reach across for my phone, the ringing stops. "Well I'm up now." I say bitterly when it is finally close enough for me to pick it it up.

Before I have chance to look at the missed calls, it starts to ring again. "Hello?" I answer sharply without looking at the screen.

"Lizzie, it's Detective Phillips." His voice is distant. I can hear the background noise of a car. He must be travelling.

Willow! Shit! It's the only reason he would be calling me!

My heart plummets through the floor. "What's going on?" I ask so fast that I practically tumble over my words.

"Have you received any calls from Willow recently?" He asks in his professional tone, so I know from experience something bad is happening.

"No, not since the hospital. Why? What's happened?" I carefully step out of the bath with the phone glued to my ear, no longer comforted by the deep, hot water. Reaching for my fluffy white bath robe, I shimmy into it, close the toilet seat, and sit down.

"There was a call from their home address to the police, but all that could be heard was a woman screaming. The call was ended before anyone spoke. Then a few seconds later there was a second call, but it was ended before anything could be heard at all. The police are attending the address now, and I'm heading into my station to have a listen to the call." He speaks calmly, but I can hear the edge to his voice.

"Oh my God." Is all I manage to whisper.

"I just wanted to make sure that you hadn't heard anything from her that I wasn't aware of?" He asks while still driving as the sound of his indicator echoes across the line.

"No, nothing. Not even any missed calls from any numbers I don't know. Look, she made it clear she didn't want my help. I left my number hidden in the lining of her make up bag, but I don't expect her to call me." I pinch the bridge of my nose with my hand trying to remain focused. "Can you call me as soon as you know what is going on please?"

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