Chapter 17

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***Warning! Mature Scene Ahead!***

As we enter our luxurious suite, the silence between us is deafening. The bellboy glances nervously between us and I can't help but feel a little sorry for him. He places our cases down as quickly as he can. He then practically sprints to the door, not even waiting for a tip. "Enjoy your stay." He says swiftly as he closes the door behind him.

Daniel looks from the cases to the closed door with a deep frown. I watch as he shrugs, placing the note back in his wallet and putting it back in his shorts pocket.

We are standing opposite sides of the seating area waiting for the other to talk first. Not a single word has been shared between us since I left Harrison's office. Daniel glances round the room with a gloomy expression despite the stunning setting.

The decor in the suite is entirely cream with light wooden furniture. An enormous painting of crystal clear waters hangs on the wall behind Daniel, and its the only splash of colour in the room. Although part of me is desperate to walk over to the enormous folding doors and look out at the ocean, I can't bring myself to turn away from Daniel. Pursing my lips until they are white, I'm not sure what to say as I have no idea what he is thinking.

"Lizzie... I'm sorry!" Daniel abruptly breaks the silence. His voice cracks as he shifts his weight awkwardly from foot to foot. I feel a sense of relief that he's the first one to speak and that he clearly doesn't want to argue about Harrison.

"Dan-" I begin but he cuts me off.

"I'm so sorry! I don't know what came over me. I know this is important to you... and I'll try harder..." He glides his hand through his dark hair, keeping his eyes on the floor.

"Please stop!" I say desperately. Daniel's tense eyes snap up to mine as though he is expecting me to scream at him. "You have nothing to be sorry for. You were right! I should have listened to you."


I move quickly and close the gap between us to stand right before him. "No buts. He crossed a line, and I told him so. I won't let anything come between us, you know that right?"

As I look up at him, he crashes his lips to mine. There is no gentleness in the way he kisses me. I understand immediately that this is about me being his and only his. Revelling in the way his hands firmly grip the sides of my face, I meet his passion willingly.

Without breaking our kiss, he guides me backwards until I'm pinned against the cold wall. His hands never leave my face, caressing my jaw as we kiss. My hands slide up over the bulging muscles of his arms, loving the firmness beneath my finger tips. Then my hands are in his hair. The fire burning in the pit of stomach spreads warmth to every extremity of my body when I hear him groan as I tug on his waves.

Daniel releases all of the tension he's been feeling since we entered the airport in New York through the way he continues to kiss me. When he finally pulls away, we are both breathless and I can feel that my lips are swollen.

Instead of giving him time to think, I take control and slam my lips against his again. This time Daniel lifts me into the air, and I immediately wrap my legs around him. He holds my backside so that I am flush against him and can feel his hardness through my lightweight white dress. Our tongues play a familiar game for dominance, but this time neither of us are willing to back down.

I lift the dress over my head and he smirks as he gracefully walks us over to the bed. I throw my dress across the cream marble floor without looking to see where it lands. He lowers me slowly, but then stands to look at me.

"You're so fucking beautiful!" He comments sincerely as he bites his lip.

"Shut up and kiss me!" I laugh as I sit up to pull him down on top of me. He removes his white t.shirt swiftly before he rests his chest on mine. The feel of the heat of his skin on mine is enough to make my arms breakout in goosebumps.

I remove his shorts and underwear as he makes light work of removing mine. Daniel then lies me down again gently, but props himself on his elbows above me. He holds my head in place as he trails featherlight kisses across my jaw. I'm so turned on already, I feel like I could combust.

Hearing me whimper encourages Daniel to then move his lips to my neck, sucking and licking as he reaches down to my collarbone. I reach up to run my hands through his hair and guide his lips to my breast. Without hesitation Daniel swirls my nipple with his tongue, making my back arch from the bed. He kneads my other breast his hand, pinching my nipple between his skilled fingers.

"Daniel!" I moan as the sensation makes my stomach quiver.

Softly he trails open mouthed kisses across my stomach and I know that he's being more gentle where the babies are. But, I don't want him to be gentle.

Without warning Daniel then steps off the bed and drops to his knees. He lifts my legs so they're resting on his shoulders, and suddenly I'm fully exposed to him.

"You're so fucking wet!" He exclaims in admiration before raking his fingertips along the inside of my thighs. A trail of heat is left on my skin as he moves.

"What you waiting for?" I ask, frustrated at his failure to give me what I so desperately need.

He blows softly across my folds making me gasp audibly, but then bites the inside of my thigh.

"Say you're mine." He says seriously.

I glance down at him and see his deep blue eyes staring up at me.... waiting for my answer. "I'm yours." I whisper.

Daniel then licks slowly and firmly where I need him to be. My legs begin to tremble as he does it again; but this time even harder.

"Oh fuck, Daniel! I'm yours, only yours!" I scream out as he inserts two fingers inside of me. I feel him smile against my sensitive skin at my words.

He continues to build the pace, curling his fingers to ensure they reach the right spot. I scream his name again as I reach climax and I don't care whether the entire hotel can hear me.

He stands up, and I turn over into my front. I guide him into me and he stills for a second with a moan. "Only you!" I smirk devilishly up at him as I begin to grind into him.

Like he needs to be in control, Daniel holds my hips firmly to guide the pace. I arch my back and match his rhythm. Before long we are both covered in a thin layer of sweat, glistening in the light.

Daniel then flips me over so he can kiss me desperately. He slams into me as his movements become more uncoordinated. I link my ankles around his back to hold him against me. The new angle has me spiralling into ecstasy straight away and I again begin to scream his name. Feeling me come apart around him must be enough to send Daniel over the edge. "Lizzie... fuck!" He grunts as he reaches his own release.

Falling down onto the bed next to me, I place my hand over his chest. Our heartbeats gallop in sync, but as we lie in silence they begin to steady. Turning onto my side, I push a strand of hair off his forehead. "I'm yours." I say with a content smile.

"And I'm yours." He grins back before kissing me softly.

- hey guys

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I wanted Daniel and Lizzie to have an intimate moment in the midst of everything going on around them.

Hope you enjoyed it 🔥

Please tick the little star and thank you for still reading. Love T x -

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