Chapter 3: Initiation Rumble.

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Last time, on Dragon Ball R!

Oren finally made it to Beacon Academy. There he met new friends, and annoying the heiress on the Schnee Dust Company Weiss.

Now they must complete initiation in order to attend Beacon. Can they succeed?

(Play 1:02)

Initiation rumble!

Oren was currently riding on Nimbus while examining the forest below him. About five minutes ago, Professor Ozpin launched the students into the forest to find an old ruined temple, that is said to house ancient artifacts. These artifacts are the key to their acceptance into Beacon.

So far Oren saw nothing, that is until he saw an opening in the forest below. There he saw what appeared to be a dilapidated old ruin.

'This must be the ruin Professor Ozpin told us about.' Oren thought as he flew down.

As he flew closer, he saw two familiar faces. It was Blake and Yang.

"Yang, Blake!" Oren yelled.

After getting their attention, he flew down to them and hopped off of Nimbus. After he landed, both girls looked at the small yellow cloud with confusion before Blake asked.

"Oren, is that a cloud?"

"Yep! This is Nimbus, it was originally my mother's, before she...passed away." Oren replied with slight sadness in his voice.

Yang walked closer to the yellow cloud and pressed her hand onto it. And as she expected, it felt as though she was touching cotton. She turned towards Oren and asked.

"Is this thing real? How can this thing fly?"

"Magic." Oren answered.

Blake looked skeptical, and who can really blame her. Magic was just a bunch of superstitious nonsense to her. She's heard of old tales and legends that described magic in them, but that's all they where right? Just legends? Continuing to be skeptical, she asked.

"Magic. Really?"

Oren looked back at her, and replied.

"Believe what you want. But Nimbus really is a magic cloud. It was given to my mother from a teacher of hers."

Yang continued to examine the yellow cloud, until asking.

"So you really ride this thing?"

"Yes, though it seems I might be the only one who can ride it." Oren said.

"Why?" Yang asked.

"Nimbus can only be ridden by someone with a pure heart. Anyone with a impure heart would fall off." Oren replied.

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