Chapter 9: Oren's Monstrous Transformation!

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The day of the annual school dance had arrived. Oren and company were expecting a night of fun and relaxation. Especially since both Blake and Yang confessed their feelings to Oren. However; thing's went south when Cinder infiltrated the party to steal Weiss' two Dragon Balls! Professor Ozpin then sent Oren to train with an old acquaintance of his, Korin. Oren climbed up Korin's tower to receive training, as well as drink the divine water. After Oren caught Korin, the small feline revealed that the divine water wasn't real, it was a motivator to get Oren to train harder. Now our young hero returns to Beacon to discuss a plan on how to retrieve their stolen Dragon Balls.

(Play 1:02)

Oren's Monstrous Transformation!


Oren was currently riding Nimbus, in the distance he saw Beacon Academy.

"Almost there, Aunt Glynda will defiantly be glad to see me." Oren said to himself.


Back at Beacon, Professor Ozpin was currently sitting at his desk in his office doing paperwork. Beside him, was Glynda Goodwitch. Out of the corner of her eye, Glynda saw a yellow streak fly past the window. Upon closer inspection, she realized it was her nephew, he was back! She quickly went to the elevator, after getting out she saw Oren hop off of Nimbus. She quickly ran over and enveloped him in a hug.

"Oren, your back!" Glynda said with joy.

Oren responded by hugging her back. After letting go of her, Oren saw that his Aunt was still hugging him. He also saw the other students looking at them. None of the students seen Professor Goodwitch act this way before.

"Uh, Aunt Glynda? People are watching." Oren said.

Glynda opened her eyes, and indeed saw that there were students watching them. Blushing from embarrassment, she quickly let go of Oren.

"All of you, get back to class!" Glynda yelled to the students.

Not wanting to face her wrath, the students ran off.

"Well; I should head back to the other's. I'll see you around Aunt Glynda." Oren said, walking off.

"See you around sweetie!" Glynda responded back, watching her nephew walk off.

(Time Skip)

Oren was walking through the hallways of Beacon, then he walked towards his dorm room. Upon opening it, he saw Cardin meditating.

"Hey Cardin, what's up!" Oren greeted.

Cardin turned towards the door.

"Oren, you're back!" Cardin responded.

After briefing Cardin about his training with Korin, Oren asked.

"So where is everyone?"

"Oh they're all training, follow me." Cardin said.

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