Chapter 14: The End of King Piccolo!

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Last Time, on Dragon Ball R!

Oren and Penny finally arrived at Korin's lookout! Upon telling Korin about the resent event's that has happened, Korin decides to tell Oren the truth about the Divine water. He reveled saying that it was blessed by the brother gods themselves, and only one pure of heart can drink it. Hesitantly, Oren drank it. After the immense pain following after, Oren felt power that he's never felt before. Then he felt King Piccolo's energy coming from Menagerie, after thanking Korin, Oren rode on his new Nimbus off to Menagerie. Meanwhile, King Piccolo announced to the whole world his intentions. He arrived in Menagerie and began to rile up the White Fang to join him. However, Cardin arrived to foil his plans, unfortunately he was beaten by Adam Taurus. Then Oren arrived in the nick of time, and saved Cardin from being killed by Adam! Then both Oren and King Piccolo began their fight. It seemed as though the fight was in Oren's favor, but Piccolo reveled that he was barely using his real power! Can Oren defeat Piccolo in his newly powered up state?

(Play 1:02)

                                                    The End of King Piccolo!


Piccolo screamed.

Oren, along with everyone present stood in silence. Then the VNN crew arrived to where Ghira and Kali were watching.

"Chieftain Belladonna, what's going on?!" Lisa Lavender said, concerned about what's going on.

Ghira turned towards them.

"There's a boy fighting against King Piccolo!" Ghira exclaimed.

The camera crew pointed their camera's towards the sight of both fighters.

"Is that boy a Faunus? Do you know him?" Lisa asked.

Ghira shook his head.

"No I don't, I've never seen that boy before."Ghira said.


Everyone turned towards the TV. When the camera pointed towards the two fighters, everyone stood in shock.

"I-Is, Is that-" Blake stuttered.

"OREN!" Yang exclaimed, teary eyed.

Upon hearing her nephew's name, Glynda ran to the TV. When she saw her nephew alive, she broke down in tears of joy.

Blake then turned to the rest of team RWBY.

"Girls, we have to get to Menagerie. NOW!" Blake ordered.

The girls quickly grabbed their weapons, and got into a Bullhead with coordinates set for Menagerie. Thankfully this Bullhead had a TV inside, so they could watch what was currently happening.


Piccolo had finished powering up, then he slowly lifted his head to look at Oren, all while giving the boy a sinister look.

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