Chapter 16: The Vytal Tournament Begins!

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Last Time, on Dragon Ball R!

Oren had climbed up to Kami's lookout in order to meet Kami, the guardian of Remnant. Upon reaching the top, he met Mr. Popo, Kami's assistant. However, Oren was in for a shock when Kami reveled himself, as Kami looked like an exact duplicate of King Piccolo! Kami then reveled his past, and told Oren that he was chosen by the Brother Gods to watch Remnant in their stead. He also reveled that it was he who created the Turtle Hermit style, and trained Ozpin, and the Queen of Grimm herself, Salem. Kami even restored the Dragon Balls for Oren and his friends to use, bringing back Jaune and Velvet. However, Oren was to stay at the lookout for three months to train with Kami, the reason being, is that Piccolo's son will show up at the Vytal Tournament! How will our hero's deal with this new threat?
(Play 1:02)

The Vytal Tournament Begins!


Everyone had entered the stadium, Professor Ozpin, Glynda Goodwitch, and Saphron and Terra went up to the VIP seat's above. While the others went off to prepare for the Tournament. The three team's entered a large room where the other combatants were, the other fighters either stretching, or shadow boxing. During this time, Jaune decided to change into his Turtle Hermit Gi. After changing, he turned towards the others.

"Ta-da! Eat your heart out. Since my last one was ruined, I had a new one made for me, what do you think!" Jaune said excitedly.

"Huh, seems like we have the same tailor." Cardin said, revealing his Turtle Hermit Gi as well.

Jaune crossed his arms and puffed his cheeks in annoyance.

"Hey, me too!" Oren said.

Oren's Gi looked different from the other two. His had a dark blue undershirt underneath his upper Gi, and he wore dark blue boots with a yellow line going down, and a red rope tied around it.

"Great, next you'll both dye your hair blonde!" Jaune said with annoyance.

Cardin started to laugh, when he noticed something.

"H-Hey Oren, what happened to your tail?" Cardin asked.

Blake rose her head, and indeed saw that Oren's tail was missing.

"Cardin's right, what happened?" Blake asked with worry.

Oren replied nonchalantly.

"Oh, that, I got rid of it." Oren said.

Everyone looked surprised at his statement.

"You see, Kami said that the only way for the moon to be restored is if I removed my tail. So that's what I decided to do." Oren replied.

Those who went on the mission when they were captured by the White Fang, remembered that Cardin blew up the moon. So if the moon is back, and Oren's tail is gone, at least he won't turn into...that. Then, out of nowhere Oren's face became serious. The others around him were worried by his demeanor.

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