Chapter 19: The Tournament Finale Part II

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Last Time, on Dragon Ball R!

The final match of the tournament and the fate of the world began. Both Oren and Piccolo Jr were evenly matched, but soon they both kept pushing each other to their limits. Their fight had caused the arena to fall into shambles, while also keeping the audience entertained. However; after Oren fired a Super Kamehameha towards Piccolo, it revealed his identity to the world. After announcing who he was and declaring that he would continue his father's work, the stadium broke into a panic as the spectators tried to escape the island. The only people left in the stadium were Oren and his friends. After Oren failed to persuade his friends to escape the island, Piccolo decided that this was the perfect moment to show his latest technique. To the shock of everyone present, Piccolo Jr grew in size! Can Oren defeat him and get Kami back?

(Play 1:02)

The Tournament Finale Part II!


After Piccolo had finished growing, he looked down at Oren with a smirk on his face.

"HEH, HEH! FROM UP HERE, YOU ALL LOOK LIKE ANTS!" Piccolo said, his voice booming.

Oren looked stupefied at his large adversary.

"Whoa, Incredible! How did you make your clothes grow?" Oren said.

All of Oren's friends at that moment face palmed.

"Piccolo just grew to the size of a building, and THAT'S what he says?!" Weiss groaned.

At this moment, Yang's eyes turned red and confronted Professor Oobleck.

"Hey, isn't growing like that against the rules!" Yang shouted.

"S-Sorry, but there's nothing about growing in the rule book." Oobleck stuttered.

Blake then made her statement.

"Well it's too late for the rules right now Professor!" Blake said, worried about what will happen to Oren.

Back in the arena, Piccolo gazed down to his opponent, then launched his huge fist in Oren's direction! Seeing this, Oren quickly jumped out of the way, But Piccolo saw this and swatted his hand to strike Oren. Thankfully, Oren managed to dodge that attack as well. As Oren landed, he quickly backflipped out of the way as Piccolo's large foot went to stomp him. What continued next was Piccolo's attempt to either stomp, or punch Oren, but thanks to his speed, Oren managed to be one step ahead of his opponent. But that all changed as Oren was dodging Piccolo's wide attacks, he jumped high into the air.

"Ha, missed me!" Oren said, in a taunting voice.

Then he looked to his right to see a large green hand appear right next to him!

'Me and my big fat mouth!' Oren thought to himself.

The force of Piccolo's attack shot Oren right into the ground and crack the ground underneath him! Piccolo smirked and stomped his way towards Oren. From the sidelines, Oren's friends were trying to tell him to get up.

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