Chapter 6: Training, and a runaway cat.

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Last time, on Dragon Ball R!

Oren stepped up to the school bully, Cardin Winchester. Who was currently bullying both Jaune, and a female faunus Velvet. Afterwards; Oren met team CVFY, a second year team lead by Coco Adel. During this time, Cardin found out about Jaune's false transcripts. During their trip to Forever Falls, Cardin was badly wounded. In the Beacon infirmary, Oren convinced the others to forgive Cardin, causing Cardin to transfer to Oren's team.
(Play 1:02)

Training, and a runaway cat!

The day after Cardin transferred to Oren's team, Oren asked Pyrrha if he could train Jaune in the Turtle Hermit style. At first, Pyrrha wasn't sure. She thought that the training would be too much for him. Unbeknownst to the both of them, Professor Ozpin overheard them. The vary next day, the Intercom rang out.

"Would Teams RWBY, JNPR, CVFY, along with Son Oren and Cardin Winchester report to the training rooms please. Thank you."

Upon hearing this, the teams made their way to the training rooms. When they entered, they saw both Professor Ozpin and Glynda Goodwitch standing together with a large box in front of them.

"You're all probably wondering why I called you all here." Said Ozpin.

The four teams looked at both the Professor's then to the box in front of them.

"I called you all here because I've overheard Mr. Son talking to miss Nikos about training Jaune in the style of the Turtle Hermit. So I've decided to teach it to you all."

Oren's eyes widened, along with the others in the room. The other teams never knew that the headmaster himself, was a master of this exclusive martial art.

"You know the Turtle Hermit style!" Oren exclaimed.

"Of course I do. I was the one who taught your mother after all." Ozpin replied.

Oren was surprised by this revelation. Ozpin turned to the rest.

"You all have shown great potential, and I believe you are all ready for what is to come." Said Ozpin.

He went to the box and opened it. Inside, were orange Gi's with the Turtle Hermit symbol. Everyone was handed a set, and Oren was given a new pair.

 Everyone was handed a set, and Oren was given a new pair

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