Chapter 4: First day of class, and the Dragon radar.

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Last time, on Dragon Ball R!
Oren and company have completed initiation as well as showing his new friends his tremendous strength. Now his friends are put into teams, those teams being RWBY and JNPR. However; Oren was to be Beacon's one man team, due to his strength. Now comes the day that most students dread; the first day of class.

(Play 1:02)

First day of class, and the Dragon Radar!
The day after initiation, the first day of class began. Oren woke up, got out of bed, and looked around his room. Since he was to be a one man team, he had dorm all to himself. He looked at his clock, an noticed he had about two hours before class started. So he put on his Gi and went towards the training room. His aunt had given him a map of the campus in order for to find his classes.

(One hour later)

After an hour of training, Oren entered his dorm room and proceeded to take a shower. After showering, he opened a drawer to reveal a school uniform. After getting dressed, he left the dormitory to leave for class. Upon entering the classroom, Oren saw a portly looking man with combed white hair and a mustache. The man looked smaller than him, and wore a red dress shirt and dress slacks. The man turned to face Oren.

"Ah! Your the young lad who blasted that Nevermore with that "kame whatever thing", is that right?" The man questioned.

Oren looked at the man speaking and replied.

"You mean the Kamehameha? And yes, I am the guy who blew up the Nevermore."

The man's eyes lit up...even though they were closed. He then spoke up.

"Ah, a show of power and great strength. Reminds me of the days of my youth. What is your name lad?"

"Oren, sir. Son Oren." Oren replied.

"Ah, so your Glynda's nephew eh? She's told us a lot about you lad. But to continue introductions, I am Professor Port. I shall be your Grimm studies Professor." The man known as Port introduced himself.

"Well, we have five minutes until class starts. Find a seat and get ready for class." Professor Port said.

Oren turned around and saw the bleachers in the classroom and saw that there were already students sitting there. Oren found a spot near the front and waited. However, as he sat down he noticed that there were no sign of both team RWBY, or JNPR. Oren wondered if he a different class schedule and wouldn't see them. He looked towards the clock and saw there was a minute left until class started.

Then all of the sudden, both RWBY and JNPR burst through the door and piled up on each other.

"Hey guys!" Oren said.

"Hey Oren." Ruby replied.

Class finally started, and everyone took a seat. Oren expected Professor Port to explain Grimm; were their weaknesses are, and how to properly fight them. Instead, he only told stories from his youth and nothing about Grimm. At first Oren thought that Professor Port would tell one story, unfortunately that wasn't the case. Throughout Port's storytelling, Oren saw Ruby goofing off instead of paying attention, much to the chagrin of Weiss. Oren kept his distance, as Weiss looked like a ticking time bomb about to explode.

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