Chapter 8: Cinder's theft, and Korin's Tower.

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Last time, on DRAGON BALL R!

Oren, Cardin and team JNPR were sent to investigate a village called Arroyo. There had been reports of the villagers going missing, and the young hunters in training were sent to find out why. It seemed that the ones responsible for this was the White Fang. Oren and his friends managed to get there in time to save the remaining villagers from a gruesome fate. However; it seems that the White Fang are not working alone. The White Fang have allied themselves with a mysterious figure known as; King Piccolo. The mysterious King Piccolo has even sent his spies to infiltrate Beacon as well! Can our hero's stop them before they cause any trouble?

(Play 1:02)

                                                 Cinder's theft, and Korin's Tower!


The day after Oren's team and team JNPR came back from their mission, Professor Ozpin has secluded himself in his office. They weren't sure why he was acting this way, was it because of this King Piccolo guy? They've certainly never heard of this person, nor did they know what power he had. Aside from their mission, team RWBY has finished their investigation as well. Because Oren couldn't come, RWBY brought both Sun, and Neptune along. It appears that their theory of Roman Torchwick aiding the White Fang was correct. While Oren and team JNPR were on their mission, team RWBY found out that the White Fang had stolen Atlesian military weapons, such as the Atlesian Paladin's. Before they could apprehend Roman, his sidekick a girl with pink and brown hair used her semblance to allow them to escape.

Thankfully, because of the news that Oren, and team JNPR brought back, Ozpin was able to contact the Atlesian military to search the outskirts of Vale for White Fang activity. Unfortunately; Cinder, Emerald, and Mercury were still roaming around Beacon. Ozpin promised he would send people to spy on them, but that still didn't quell the fears of Oren's team and team JNPR. The investigation also didn't help Blake in her pursuit's. Their investigation only seemed to fill Blake with more dread, it especially didn't help when Oren revealed that Her old mentor/lover had instructed the White Fang to butcher half of the villagers of Arroyo. For a while, Blake was inconsolable. So much death, so much pain and suffering, why?

When she first met Adam, he was very loving and kind. But at times, he would tell her of the pain he suffered while in the Schnee Dust mines. Then, his pain would become hatred. During protests that were supposed to be peaceful, he would intentionally spur the protesters to violence, much to the leader's displeasure. Blake's father Ghira, would always tell Adam to never resort to violence. But Ghira's seconded in command, a Bengal tiger faunas named Sienna Khan would always seem to favor Adam's approach. All of these events eventually led to Ghira stepping down as the Leader of the White Fang.

Currently; Blake was outside of Beacon leaning against a tree. Her knee's were up to her chest, and her arms were wrapped around her legs. She couldn't get the thought of so many innocent lives being lost over petty racial hatred. While thinking about this, Oren saw Blake and started to walk over towards her.

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