Chapter 1: A new Beacon

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(7 Years later)
Seven years have passed since the fateful day Pan discovered Oren. The boy in question was currently wearing an orange Gi, the same as his mother's. His tail poking out behind him. He also happened to be carrying a large full sized tree over his shoulder. The boy was quite muscular for his age, something that Pan thought was unusual as well. Pan trained Oren the same way her parents taught her, in the style of the Turtle hermit school.

Oren was nearing his house and called out.

"Mom! I'm back!"

"There you are sweetie. I see you brought some wood for the winter."

Pan was at first shocked at the amazing strength of her new well as his appetite.

"Just set it down over there for right now."

Oren then let the large log fall to the ground. Pan walked over, then lifted her arm and chopped the tree in two. Oren then lifted the tree and kicked it, causing it to break into smaller chunks of wood. After that, they neatly stacked the wood into a pile by the front of the house. Pan then walked up to her son.

"So, Oren. Do you know what day it is?"

She said with a smile on her face.

"My birthday!"

He replied back with excitement. Today was the day he would turn seven years old. Pan smiled at his childlike innocence.

"How about for tonight I make your favorite dinner."

Oren cheered with excitement. Pan then wondered if now would be a good time to teach Oren, that technique. Though when she first learned it, she was fifteen. However, Oren does show potential, and he clearly has the strength to use it. But he hasn't fully mastered Ki manipulation, he hasn't even showed signs of a semblance either. Which backed her theory that her adopted son is not of this world.

"Hey Oren, come with me."

"Okay. Where are we going?" He asked.

"Don't worry, it won't be far."

She summoned Nimbus, and they both flew off to a secluded field away from the house. Oren hopped off Nimbus and asked.

"So whats going on?"

Pan looked at her son and said.

"I think now would be a perfect time to teach you."

"Teach me what?" He asked.

She looked back at him and said.

"The Kamehameha wave!"


Pan saw Oren's confusion. So she continued to explain.

"The Kamehameha, has been a special technique from the Turtle Hermit school. It's been taught for centuries." She explained.

Oren continued to listen in awe. He saw Pan take a few steps away from him and faced the open field in front of her.

"First, be sure to widen your stance."

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