Chapter 17: The Vytal Tournament continues!

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Last Time, on Dragon Ball R!

The long awaited vytal Tournament had begun, Oren along with his friends signed up to participate. However; it seemed that there was an uninvited guest, Piccolo Jr. The young hunters could do nothing but wait for Jr to do something diabolical. Then all of them had reached the semi finals! The first match of the semi finals was, Jaune vs Jr. While Jaune tried his hardest to fight against Jr, it seemed that Jr proved too much, and won the match. The next match was Oren vs Blake. Blake completely went on an all out assault and left Oren with no opening to fight back. However, Oren defeated Blake by pushing her out of the ring without touching her! Then next match was Oren vs Cardin. It seemed at first that both fighters were evenly matched, but it appeared that Cardin was gaining the upper hand. But then, Oren asked to remove some of his Gi, as it turned out Oren was wearing weighted clothing! Will Oren be able to beat Cardin?

(Play 1:02)

                                              The Vytal Tournament Continues! 


After Oren's warm up, Cardin and the rest of the audience were still in shock at how fast Oren had become. Just then Cardin came back to his senses.

"That is impressive Oren. But, I will beat you, you hear me." Cardin said,

"Yep, loud n' clear!" Oren said joyously, ready to resume fighting. 

Both boys got into their combat stances.

"You might've gotten faster, but still, don't hold back!" Cardin said.

Oren nodded. 

Cardin dashed towards Oren, as he was about to deliver a blow to his head Oren disappeared! Anticipating this, Cardin turned around and started to suddenly punch and kick the air around him. It wasn't until Oren reappeared and blocked one of Cardin's attacks. Seeing how he anticipated his friends attacks, Carin smirked.

"Heh, you went through all that training, and I'm still faster than you." Cardin boasted.

Oren only gave a wide smile.

"You sure about that?" Oren said smirking.

Then Oren held up a blue belt. Cardin looked at it, then quickly looked down to notice that his pants had fallen down!  The audience started to laugh, even Velvet started to giggle a bit. Blushing like mad, he pulled up his pants and took back his belt, tying it back into place.

"Okay, maybe you are a little faster than me. But I'm still goin to win!" Cardin declared.

Unbeknownst to the rest of them, Piccolo Jr was watching their fight. The more he watched Oren fight, the more he learned.

"Hmm, he's pretty quick, for a human." Jr said to himself.

Back to the fight, Cardin spread his feet apart and began to concentrate.

"You might've gotten faster, but let's see how you'll deal with this!" Cardin shouted.

Then, Cardin began to multiply! He created four clones of himself, but unlike Sun's semblance these clones were flesh and blood! 

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