Chapter 18: The Tournament Finale!

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Last Time, on Dragon Ball R!

Oren had finished his match against Cardin. Cardin had showed off his latest technique, The Multi-form. Now dealing with four Cardin's, the fight seemed to be in Cardin's favor. However, Oren's speed was enough to keep them at bay, until Oren used the Solar Flare to quickly blind them in order to take them out. Up next was Piccolo Jr vs Hiro. The three teams were confused on who Hiro was, as they've never seen him before. Though Oren seemed to know him, but he didn't say why. As the match began, Hiro started to gain the upper hand and reveal that he too had mysterious powers. Things started to heat up when both Jr and Hiro started to have an argument in an entirely different language! It was revealed to Jr that Hiro was actually Kami in disguise! Kami attempted to use the Mafuba in order to stop Jr, but to the shock of all, Jr too can use the Mafuba! Now with Kami trapped, Jr taunted Oren and the three teams by daring them to take it back. Then he swallowed the bottle that held Kami! Will Oren manage to save Kami from Piccolo?

(Play 1:02)

The Tournament Finale!


Everyone stood in shock after Piccolo ate the bottle, more so with Oren. Oren was seething in anger at seeing his teacher being trapped by the arrogant son of the demon king he killed. However, it seemed that both he and Jr had made it to the final match of the Vytal tournament. Professor Ozpin quickly left the upper stands to ask what was going on, and Oren brought him up to speed.

"So Hiro was Kami?" Ozpin asked.

"No, he just took over the body of Hiro. Hiro should be fine, but he'll probably feel woozy later on." Oren replied.

Then Oobleck announced the final round of the tournament, Oren vs Jr. Everyone stood in silence as Jr strode past them, smirking as he did. Oren glared back at him in return, before Oren walked into the arena Cardin put his hand on his shoulder.

"Be careful Oren, we don't know what that bastard will pull off." Cardin warned.

Blake and Yang squeezed Oren's hands, silently wishing him well, Oren turned and gave them a warm smile before walking into the arena. Then both Combatants entered, and the audience let out a thunderous applause.

"Now we have arrived into the final match of this tournament ladies and gentlemen! Oren vs Jr! Be sure to hold on to the edge of your seats, because these two are super human and are sure to entertain you!" Oobleck said to the crowd.

Jr smirked towards Oren.

"Heh, you should feel honored boy." Jr said, smugly.

"Why is that?" Oren responded.

Jr then removed his cape and threw it behind him, leaving his turban on his head.

"Because, I am your executioner!" Jr exclaimed.

From the upper stands, Glynda alongside Saphron and Terra looked down in anticipation.

"You can do it Oren!" Glynda cheered, excited that her nephew could potentially win the tournament.

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