Chapter 13: Oren Vs Piccolo!

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Last Time, on Dragon Ball R!

Penny arrived just in time to revive Oren. Needing guidance during this dark time, Oren told Penny to take him to Korin's tower. Back at Beacon, Professor Ozpin went off to attempt to stop King Piccolo himself. However; both Cardin and Velvet snuck onto the Bullhead that Ozpin was using to follow him. When the three landed, Ozpin reveled to them his past and his previous battle against the Demon king. Ozpin preformed the Mafuba technique, but unfortunately missed his target. Seeing this opportunity, Piccolo knocked Ozpin unconscious. King Piccolo then summoned the eternal dragon Shenron from all collected Dragon Balls. Velvet thought of an idea to get rid of Piccolo, by wishing for him to disappear. Before she could make that wish, Piccolo killed her. Now having the dragon all to himself, King Piccolo wished for his youth. After being made young once more, Piccolo did the unthinkable. He destroyed Shenron! Now the demon king has a new destination in mind, Menagerie. Will our hero's be able to combat this new threat?

(Play 1:02)

                                            Oren Vs King Piccolo!


After their bout with King Piccolo, both Ozpin and Cardin made their way back to Beacon. When they neared closer, they saw team's RWBY, JNPR, and CVFY. With them, were Glynda Goodwitch, along with Saphron, and Terra. When the Bullhead landed, everyone gathered by the hatch. When it opened, they were met by a somber sight. A disheveled Ozpin holding the now stone Dragon Balls, and Cardin holding the body of Velvet.

"V-Velvet? VELVET!" Coco cried as she ran towards them.

"S-She tried to stop King Piccolo from using the Dragon Balls. I-I'm so sorry Coco." Cardin said, holding back tears.

Coco gently touched Velvet's cheek, before breaking down into a sob. Glynda looked at Ozpin.

"Ozpin, where is he? Where's Oren!" Glynda said frantically.

Ozpin gave her a sad look, before lowering his head.

"No...! No NO NO!" Glynda cried, she fell to her knee's and broke down into a heart wrenching sob.

"I'm sorry Pan. I'm so, so sorry! I failed, I failed to protect him...!" Glynda whispered to herself.

Yang and Blake were speechless. Oren, dead? The man they both loved, the man who cared for both of them was dead?

Yang lowered her head so her hair covered her eyes. Covering the tears running down her anguished stricken face. Blake began to hyperventilate, as the one who made her fell safe, the one who made her feel loved, was dead. She held her sides and fell to the ground sobbing.

"O-Oren. Why? Why did you have to die?" Blake whispered to herself.

Ozpin quickly called for another body preserving casket to hold Velvets body for the time being. Everyone went back inside of the main lobby, Ozpin looked to see a TV screen in the corner. And what he saw, shocked him.

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