Chapter 5: Befriending the bully.

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Last time, on Dragon Ball R!

Oren helped settle a dispute between Weiss and Ruby, over who should be the leader of team RWBY. The day after, Oren showed the rest of his friends his mother's four star Dragon Ball. Upon seeing this, Weiss showed Oren two other Dragon Balls she'd collected with the help of a device she created called; the dragon radar. However; they saw that four other Dragon Balls have already been collected by forces unseen. Who else is gathering the Dragon Balls, and what do they want?

(Play 1:02)

Befriending the bully.

Combat class; ultimately Oren's favorite class. The two reasons why it's his favorite class, was because it was the only class where he can fight other students. Don't get him wrong, he liked the other class, but most of them were really boring like Professor Ports class. The second reason this was his favorite class, was because his aunt Glynda was the teacher. Despite being her nephew, Glynda would treat Oren as though he were a student.

As of right now, Oren along with teams RWBY, and JNPR, were watching a match between Jaune and Cardin. The latter seemed to be winning, while Jaune appeared to have great difficulty with fighting Cardin.

"Give up yet?" Cardin said smugly.

Jaune looked up to him.

"Over my dead bod-"


Jaune couldn't even finish his sentence as Cardin kicked him in the groin. Jaune dropped his weapon's and doubled down, it was then when Professor Goodwitch announced that Cardin was the winner of the match. Afterwards, she chastised Jaune for not learning anything during his time in class, then she dismissed everyone.

(Time skip)

After class, everyone went to lunch. During that time, everyone was currently listening to Nora. She was explaining an amazing dream she had, though it seems that she had this dream multiple times as Ren would constantly correct her.

*Sigh* "She's been having the same dream for months now."

While this was happening, Jaune was looking down picking at his food. Pyrrha saw this and tried to console him.

"Jaune, are you alright?" Pyrrha asked with concern.

"Yeah, you look down in the dumps." Added Oren.

Jaune looked up and tried to look happy.

"What, no nothing's wrong. See!" Jaune said trying and failing to convince them otherwise.

However Oren could see through his lie.

"That's not true. Come on tell us, we're your friends!" Oren said.

*Sigh* "It's Cardin." Jaune said.

Pyrrha concern turned to annoyance.

"What did he do this time?" Pyrrha asked.

Jaune then quickly tried to dismiss everything.

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