Chapter 12: The Return of King Piccolo!

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Last Time, on Dragon Ball R!

Jaune has been viscously murdered! The killer responsible, Mercury Black. Angered at the sight of his fallen friend, Oren took the Dragon Radar and took off to find his friend's killer. Leaving his friends and aunt behind. Upon catching up to Mercury, they proceeded to fight. Ultimately Oren won in the end. However; Mercury's death didn't go unnoticed. King Piccolo himself felt his underlings power decrease and arrived to both kill Mercury's killer, but to retrieve the last Dragon Ball for himself. After announcing who he was, Oren proceeded to fight the elder demon king. Ultimately however, Oren was no match, and was promptly killed. With the last Dragon Ball in hand, Piccolo announced with joy the prospect's of eternal youth. Will this be the end for our Hero's?

(Play 1:02)

                                                         The Return of King Piccolo!


Penny was currently flying towards a large power signature that she was sent to investigate. Penny's attire looked different as well. She now had a longer green dress, longer hair, and wore a black ribbon on the back of her head. She had also received upgrades as well. After she and Oren defeated General Ironwood, her father Dr. Poledina had upgraded her weaponry and her overall schematics. Now she sported rocket boosters built into her legs, allowing her to fly.

Not too long ago, Ozpin sent word to Winter, the newly appointed general of Atlas, that Oren was recklessly tracking down a dangerous enemy. So General Schnee sent Penny to bring him back. Penny was currently flying over a forest, her energy detectors had picked up a large power level not too long ago. However, the large power level had drained quickly.

"Hmm, strange? That power level I had detected earlier dropped. I wonder what happened?" Penny questioned.

As she flew over a large clearing, she saw something on the ground. Upon closer inspection, she saw that it was a body, but not JUST a body, it was Oren!

"F-Friend Oren!" Penny shouted.

Quickly landing, she ran towards her friend's body. Upon reaching him, she felt for a pulse, only to find that he didn't have one. She then took both her hands and started to rub them against each other, raising them up she slammed them unto Oren's chest.

"CLEAR!" Penny shouted.

Electricity jolted through her hands and into Oren's body. Oren's body jerked, but nothing happened. 

"Come on, please work!" Penny said to herself.

Doing it again, she rubbed her hands together and slammed them unto Oren's chest once more.

"CLEAR!" Penny shouted again.


Oren jerked up to inhale a large gasp of air. Ecstatic Penny wrapped her arm's around Oren.

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