Chapter 11: Jaune Murdered? Oren's Furious Rage!

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Last Time on Dragon Ball R!

Oren awoke to find himself in Atlas! There he met with a Scientist named, Dr. Gero. Whilst there, he met Winter Schnee, the right hand woman of General Ironwood, and the one that brought him there. He even reunited with Penny as well. Winter had told both Oren and Penny of Ironwood's ruthless rule over the people of Atlas. So the three started a rebellion against General Ironwood, and his loyal supporters. While Winter and her forces combated the loyalists, Oren and Penny went to confront Ironwood, and Gero. With Penny defending Oren from a grenade blast, Oren fired a Kamehameha towards the two men, killing them. However; an enraged Cinder arrived to retrieve Oren's four star ball. After a short fight, Oren deflected Cinder's fireball right back at her, killing her in the process. Thinking that the danger was over, our hero's arrived back at Beacon; Unaware of a great tragedy that will kickstart future events to come.

(Play 1:02)

  Jaune Murdered? Oren's Furious Rage!


Oren was currently sitting alone in the training room in a meditative position. In front of him laid Nyoibo. Then Oren's eyes snapped open, he grabbed Nyoibo from the ground and stood up.

"Extended!" Oren exclaimed.

As on command, Nyoibo extended to the length of a normal staff. Then Oren began his training routine

Unbeknownst to Oren, was that his Aunt Glynda was watching from the doorway. After he finished, Oren set his Nyoibo on the ground next to his mother's Dragon Ball. He then turned and noticed his Aunt standing by the doorway.

"Oh, hey Aunt Glynda!" Oren greeted.

"Fufu~, excellent as always Oren." Glynda complemented.

Oren blushed as he rubbed the back of his head. With the Vytal Tournament being a month away, Oren trained almost non stop. He always watched the tournament with his Aunt when he was younger, now that he was of age, he could finally participate.

"I came by to let you know that your friends are meeting up at the Library." Glynda told Oren.

Oren thanked her for telling him, and left for the Library. Leaving both his weapon and Dragon Ball behind.

(Beacon's Library)

Oren walked through the doors and saw his friends sitting in the corner of the large Library. Jaune noticed him and called out.

"Hey Oren, over here!" Jaune said in a hushed tone.

After walking towards them, Oren asked.

"Hay guy's. What's up?"

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