Chapter 7: White Fang Infiltration!

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Last time, on Dragon Ball R!

Oren, and company Learned that Professor Ozpin is a secret master of the Turtle Hermit style. Fearing for what was to come, Ozpin trained the group so that they would be ready to face the upcoming darkness. During this time, the group began to grow stronger by the day. Until recently; Blake reveled that she was a Faunus, and the daughter of the the founder of the White Fang. Consumed by guilt of the evil she'd done in the past, Blake expected the group to scorn her, to cast her out. Instead; she was shown compassion by Oren and the rest of team RWBY, which brought tears to the cat Faunus' eyes. Unbeknownst to them, it appears that Roman Torchwick just was a pawn in the Dust robberies around Vale. The true masterminds, were Cinder and her dark master; the mysterious King Piccolo.

(Play 1:02)

White Fang Infiltration!
The training rooms were currently being occupied by two individuals, Oren and Cardin. Both were facing each other in their battle stances, wearing their Turtle Hermit Gi's. Both stood still, one facing the other. Both boys never breaking contact with the other. If one were to see them, they would mistake the two as statues.

Then in a split second, Cardin appeared before Oren, his fist raised. Oren's body instinctively raised both arms to block the upcoming punch. Then Oren preformed a round house kick towards Cardin's head. Anticipating this, Cardin dodged by doing a back flip. As he landed on his feet, he dashed towards Oren. Oren also dashed towards Cardin. Then, both boys clashed. To the naked eye, all you can see were two blurs moving back and fourth. However; to the trained eye, both boys were both attacking the other with a flurry of rapid punches and kicks. Both boys at the moment seemed to be evenly matched, until both jumped back from each other.

"Nice work Cardin! Your technique has improved." Oren said.

"Thanks." Cardin replied back.

And like that, their training session was over. It's been a day since Blake's past was revealed. At first, everyone was surprised to hear that Blake was a longtime member of the White Fang, even more so when they found out that her father founded the White Fang itself. But despite her past, the teams decided to forgive her and help her fix her past mistakes. Right now, both Oren and Cardin were heading over towards the cafeteria.

" are you and Velvet doing?" Oren asked.

Since it came out that Cardin had a crush on Velvet, the teams would often tease him. However, behind closed doors, both Cardin and Velvet would spend time together. At first, Velvet was a little nervous. I mean this was the guy who bullied her for the first month of school, and to her surprise, Cardin was actually very gentle with her.

"Oh, uh, we're doing good." Cardin replied back blushing.

As the two continued walking, they saw two other people walking towards the cafeteria as well. As they walked closer, Oren recognized one of them. It was Sun, the blonde monkey Faunus he had met when they were all looking for Blake.

"Hey Sun!" Oren greeted.

The blonde Faunus turned around and greeted them back.

"Hey! You're Oren, right? Blake's friend?" Sun asked.

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