Chapter 10: Lost in Atlas!

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Last time, on Dragon Ball R!

Oren's monstrous power was revealed to Team RWBY, and Cardin. As our hero's were being imprisoned  in the White Fang camp, Cinder escaped with the stolen Dragon Balls! Blake even encountered her old lover, Adam Taurus. Adam had revealed that he and the rest of the White Fang joined forces with King Piccolo to control the world, as well as enslave the entire human race. But before he could do anything else, Oren Transformed into a giant monster! Using this as an opportunity, Blake escaped with her friends until they were face to face with Oren's Monstrous form. Seeing no other choice, Cardin released a Kamehameha towards the moon to destroy it and free Oren from his other form. Upon returning to Beacon, Oren reunited with an old family friend, Qrow Branwen.  However; two new faces appeared, General Ironwood, and Winter Schnee. When he least expected it, Oren was knocked out by a dart, fired from a person unseen. What will happen to our young hero now?

(Play 1:02)

                                                                               Lost in Atlas!


Oren awoke with a start, Where was he? This defiantly didn't look like Beacon. Looking around, he saw that he was in a lab of some kind. He was currently sitting on a lab table, and next to it were test tubes with multi colored liquid. Next to them were.

"N-NEEDLES!" Oren whispered to himself in fear.

Oren had a fear of needles whenever his Aunt took him to the Doctors. Looking around, he saw a black body bag on a separate lab table, and in the corner of the room were two large people sized pods. Gently getting off the table, Oren felt dizzy.

"Ugh, my head. What happened?" Oren said to himself.

Upon closer inspection, he saw that the two pods had numbers on them.

"#17, and #18? What's this?" Oren questioned.

He noticed that both pods had domes at the top, so he walked closer and peered into the pod labeled #18. Oren was completely surprised when he saw a person inside! It was a girl around his age, She had her blonde hair parted to the left of her head, leaving her forehead exposed. One thing he noticed, was that she had tear stains running down her face. Was she in pain? Did she Need help? Oren couldn't help but look at her. Like Yang and Blake, this girl was incredibly beautiful. He then noticed that her closed eyes were twitching, as if she were having a bad dream. All of a sudden, her eye's opened to reveal a set of beautiful blue eyes! Oren flinched when she looked at him, but then he quickly relaxed as he noticed that the girl was blushing at him.

The two stared at each other, until the door to the Lab opened. Oren quickly turned around to see an older woman with long brunette hair. She had pale white skin like Weiss, and wore a pair of glasses. She wore a red and blue checkered dress with a lab coat covering it. She also had stockings on, and she wore two high heeled shoes, one red the other blue.

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