Chapter 15: A Hero Meets A Guardian!

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Last Time, on Dragon Ball R!

Oren had just defeated King Piccolo! After his victory he was saved by Penny, then was given a Senzu bean to heal him of his prior injuries. As much as Oren wanted to stay and talk with both Penny and Cardin, he had to go to Korin's tower. Upon arriving, Korin reveled that there is another construct above his! The construct was called Kami's lookout. Said to be home of the guardian of Remnant himself. Will Oren receive training from this mighty being!

(Play 1:02)

                                                       A Hero Meets A Guardian!


Oren climbed up the ladder to Kami's lookout, and saw an amazing view. A small row of palm tree's lining their way to the entrance, while pine trees circled the exterior. Oren started to walk towards the large temple placed in the center of the lookout. As he continued walking, he noticed a figure sitting on the ground. The figure was currently sitting on a small carpet while feeding birds. But the figure itself was something to behold, It had skin as black as midnight, and it wore an Arabian style of dress. It wore a turban, and a red vest while wearing white pants and red Arabian shoes. Oren stood there for a moment, this was the first time he'd seen something like this.

Then the creature raised it's head and looked at Oren. It's wide eyes looking directly at him.

"Hello. Who are you?" It said in a deep, but polite voice.

"O-Oh, My name is Son Oren. I've come up here in order to train with Kami. But I also came to ask him to help me bring my friends back to life. With the Dragon Balls destroyed, Kami is the only one with the power to bring them back." Oren said.

The being gave a warm smile.

"I see that your heart is pure, and that you're telling the truth. And I can see that you have defeated King Piccolo as well." The being said.

Oren was shocked.

"W-What! You knew all that! But how?" Oren asked.

The being continued to smile at him.

"Kami and I have been watching your progress for quite some time now. Me sitting here wasn't a coincidence, I'm waiting here in order to greet and test you." The being said.

Oren Looked confused.

"Test me?" Oren asked.

"Yes, you must defeat me, Mr. Popo in order to meet Kami." The being now known as Popo said.

Oren smiled, his eagerness to fight made apparent.

"Really? Alright right then, let's have a spar!" Oren said enthusiastically.

Now it was Popo's turn to smile.

"You're the first challenger I've had in centuries. This is exciting." Popo said.

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