Chapter 2: A hero's first day.

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Last time, on Dragon Ball R!
Oren, with the help of an unknown girl, stopped a robbery at a dust store. Their actions however didn't go unnoticed, as the headmaster of the prestigious Beacon Academy, Professor Ozpin greeted them. He asked both separately to join his academy. In excitement, Oren agreed. Can he finally fulfill his dream of becoming a huntsman, and collect all seven Dragon Balls?

(Play 1:02)

                                      A Hero's First Day!

The flight to Beacon wasn't very eventful. Oren wanted to fly up there on Nimbus, however his Aunt strictly told him to go to Beacon the proper way. So Oren begrudgingly agreed. So Oren decided to stand by the window to watch the scenery outside.

"Hey, it's you!"

Oren turned to see the same girl he met a week before.

"Oh hey, you're that girl from the dust store!" He responded

"I'm Ruby Rose, it's nice to meet you!" The girl now known as Ruby said.

" I'm Son Oren. It's nice to meet you too."

As they continued to greet each other, another girl walked up to them. She had long locks of blonde hair, long enough to touch her lower back. She wore a jacket that exposed her midriff, short shorts, fingerless gloves, and knee high boots. To be honest, Oren thought she looked drop dead gorgeous.

"Hey Ruby, who's this cutie."

Oren blushed a deep red. His aunt had given him the talk, so he knew she was hitting on him. However despite living with his mother and his aunt, he never knew how to respond well to flirting.

"I-I um n-nice to m-meet you too heh..."

He stuttered nervously. The new girl seeing this decided to continue.

"Aw don't be scared. I don't bite, promise~"

Oren continued to stutter more as the new girl continued to flirt with him. Ruby, seeing that Oren was completely uncomfortable decided to interject.

"Yang stop! Can't you see you're making him uncomfortable!"

"Heh sorry sis, couldn't help it. Sup' I'm Yang Xiao Long, Ruby's older sister. So you're the dude that helped her out at the dust store. Thanks!"

She flashed him a smile then gave him a thumbs up.

Oren looked back at the two with a confused look.

"Sisters? B-But you look-"

"Nothing alike, yeah; we got that a lot. We're half-sisters, same father different mother's."

Oren then nodded in understanding. Yang was about to say something else, when her eyes spotted the symbol on his Gi. As she took a closer at it, her eyes nearly bulged from their sockets.

"That Symbol, y-you're a student of the turtle hermit school of martial arts!"

"Yep, well kinda. I was never "fully" inducted into the school. My mother however was an official student, her family have been members of the school for generations. But she taught me everything I know about fighting."

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