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Hazel curled up against my back, snoring.

The weekend had been a disaster. It was Monday, and I had a class in less than an hour. My father escaped from prison, I went to that party with Ashton and got drunk - twice - and then Cameron put down rules - wait "boundaries."

Everyone wanted me to know I could talk to them, to tell them what happened on the streets, but I couldn't. I didn't want to go to school. I didn't want to get up out of bed. I felt exhausted and just wanted to sleep.

When my bedroom door opened, I shielded my eyes from the rays of light.

"Maisie," Sebastian called. "You have to get up."

I pretended to be asleep, hoping he'd leave me alone. For a second, it was silent, and I lifted my head, thinking he had left again. I groaned, seeing him standing over me, a knowing smirk on his lips.

"Are you a ninja or something?" I mumbled.

He laughed. "Maybe. You should've been dressed twenty minutes ago. Why aren't you up?"

"I don't wanna go to school," I whined.

"Tough. Come on, sunshine, get up."




"Why are you so stubborn?" He mumbled.

"Why are you so persistent?"

The best dipped as Sebastian sat down, ripping the covers from my head. "Why don't you wanna go to school, hmm?"

I shrugged. "Please, don't make me go."


"Please. One day. That's all I'm asking."

Sebastian huffed. "Fine. But if Cameron asks, tell him you woke up with a migraine," he said, and I glanced over my shoulder. "Do you want to talk about anything, Mase?"

"No, I don't."

"Okay. Take the day, but you are going tomorrow. No ifs, ands, or buts."

"Mhm." We'll see about that.

"Did you have breakfast?" He asked, shifting and peering over my shoulder, raising an eyebrow.

I shook my head. "I'm not hungry."

"I can make you something. What do you want?"

"I'll get something later."

"Maisie. Come on, please."

"No. I don't want anything right now. Can I just go back to sleep?"

Sebastian hesitated, staying quiet, before standing. I squeezed my eyes shut, listening as his footsteps faded away. I was annoying him.

Not long after he left me alone, I closed my eyes. Moments later, the annoying sound of the blender echoed throughout the apartment. I sat up straight, nostrils flaring. "Sebastian, what the hell," I yelled, irritated.

It stopped. "You have five minutes to get your ass out of bed, Maisie," he called, not giving up. "Or else I'm coming in with a bucket full of ice. Don't test me."

"You're a dick," I screeched as he put on the blender again. Hazel huffed and jumped down, fleeing the room. "Damn traitor."

I pulled the blankets over my head, curling up into a ball. He wouldn't really do it. Once again, I closed my eyes and focused on breathing when the blankets were ripped from my grasp, and cold air snaked around my body, stealing the warmth.

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