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I stared through the window of the Black Bulls clinic at their clubhouse, watching Charlotte and Chance work on my sister. They had taken her into surgery thirty minutes ago, taking out the knife and stopping the bleeding. Though the knife had pierced an organ, rupturing a vein.

We were lucky to get there when we did, but she wasn't out of the woods yet. My hands were trembling with fear, anxious for what would happen to my baby sister.

"How is she?" Isobel asked, coming to stand beside me, peering in the window.

"I'm waiting for an update. It's not looking ... good." I bit my lip, holding back the sob that desperately wanted to escape.

"She's a fighter, Maisie is a survivor. She'll get through this."

I nodded, tugging on the pair of black scrubs I changed into, not able to be covered in my sister's blood any longer. "Have you talked to Denver?"

I don't know what we were going to tell my mother. Isobel glanced down, lip quivering. "She's hysterical."

Jaime and Eden walked in, Harley and Milo following them.

"Where's Noel and Evie?" Eden asked, searching for them. Her eyes were puffy and red from crying.

"Evie is in there, helping until Maeve can get here."

"I can't find Noel," Milo said, "he won't pick up his phone."

Sebastian was patching up Ashton in the next room, but he was starting to get angry, demanding to be let go. I heard him shout, before seconds later running out of the room.

My heart clenched. Ashton's face was bruised and bloody, full of cuts and gashes. Clothes were torn and Sebastian had taken a piece of glass from his arm.

"Ash, please, get back here," Sebastian called, chasing him, Milo followed him out, carrying a needle.

Ashton stared at us, tears slipping down his face. "Is she awake? What's happening?"

Jaime went to his side, wrapping his arms around our brother. "Ash, you've gotta let us help you," he whispered.

"He passed out," Sebastian announced, dragging over a chair. "Ash, sit down. I have to finish stitching your shoulder."

"I'll sit down but I'm staying out here. I need to tell you what happened anyway," he bartered, glancing between me and Jaime.

I nodded and took a seat on the leather couch. "Okay, but you need to stay calm." We gathered around him.

He exhaled deeply. "How's you even find us? I don't know where they took us," he began while Milo continued to stitch him up. Sebastian intertwined his fingers with mine, a comforting gesture. "I woke up with Royce staring daggers at me, tried to get to Maisie but he caught ahold of me. He beat me ..." he closed his eyes.

"I woke up again to him and Troy talking, discussing what'd they do to Maisie," he curled his lip with disgust. "I threw a punch at Royce and that's when they were distracted by a crash in the main garage, Maisie had woke up."

"Troy went to get her and left me with him. He taunted me, smacked me around a bit ... I probably won't ever get rid of this headache. I could see Troy open the door, Maisie knocked him over the head with a wrench. He shoved her away and they must've argued or whatever ... then a shot went off, and I started to fight Royce again. Another shot went off and he dragged me into the garage.

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