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"I'm going to kill you," I yelled, staring into the darkness. I tugged at the zip ties, hissing as the plastic dug into my skin. "I'm gonna fucking kill you." No one could hear me, though, over the roar of the engine.

I didn't have a fucking clue where I was, but I knew it didn't look good for me. They hadn't brought Evie, and I hoped, prayed, she wasn't killed. They stuffed me in the trunk of a car. My hands were tied behind my back, and my legs were tied together too.

I had no way to escape.

We stopped, the car stopped and so did my breathing.

"Giovanni is going to have no mercy on you," the man said, grabbing me out of the trunk and slamming me against the door, two other men standing behind him. They wore leather jackets, and tattoos snaked up and down their arms. "Darian."

Another man with dark eyes stepped forward, and then I felt a pinch of a needle in my neck. I could feel his hot breath against my neck. "Don't worry, Sweetcheeks, we'll take good care of you."

I became dizzy and black spots clouded my vision.

I succumbed to the darkness once again.

When I woke, I came to in the trunk of another vehicle.

We drove for, I don't know, another twenty minutes before skidding to an abrupt halt.

The trunk opened the blonde man glared down before he grabbed my arm, pulling me out of the trunk. He had on a black leather jacket and blue jeans. "Run and I shoot," he said, holding a gun in his other hand, pressing it against my lower back.

"Move." I squinted against the sun, wondering if this would be the last time I'd ever feel its warmth. I wondered if I'd ever see the sky again.

He shoved me forward, in the direction of an office building. "Any chance you can take these cuffs off? It's a bit tight."

"Does it look like I care?" He snapped as we reached the metal door.

"Rude," I mumbled.

He tapped in the code on the keypad and the door clicked before swinging open. He put his gun away as we entered, taking ahold of my arms and forcing me down a long hallway. I didn't have a damn clue where I was but the hardest part is knowing my family didn't know where Evie and I were.

I wanted my family.

I wanted my brothers.

"Move," the blonde one snapped, shoving me into a small room, and forcing me to the farthest wall. "If you try to run, I'll shoot you in the back of the head."

The threat made my heart thud in fear.

I had no sense of time. There were no clocks, and no windows to see if it was night or day. No one came to check on me, leaving me handcuffed to a metal beam, arms stretched over my head.

My wrists ached, head throbbed with the beat of my heart. I tugged on the handcuffs again and again, but to no avail. I hoped my brothers were close. I wanted them to find me because if they didn't, I wouldn't survive.

Footsteps slapped against the pavement outside, and loud, slurred voices became closer and closer. I tensed, ready for the door to unlock, and men to burst in, telling me it was time to fight.

Instead, the footsteps went by, their shadows seeping. I jumped as one man stumbled against the door, laughing. When they faded, I relaxed a bit.

Hours had passed and no one came.
My arms and hands were asleep, my legs were numb, everything hurt and nothing even happened to me yet.

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