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Madison knew that today was baseball with the Cullens. Instead, she has spot cancel when Edward comes by since she hasn't left Carrie's side all day. When Edward and Kayden arrived, Edward noticed that two people were missing. "She's upstairs asleep. Carrie hasn't been feeling good today."

"Is it alright that I stay?" Edward asked making Charlie nod.

Bella watched him leave as Kayden was being introduced. She hopes Edward being here would make Carrie happy. Edward opened the door and shut it to see his mate sound asleep with Carrie in her arms. He decided to crack the door in case Charlie came to check on them.

He took his jacket off and laid it on the chair before walking over to his little family and laid down beside Carrie. Madison looked at him smiling before falling back to sleep causing Edward to do the same.
Charlie never saw Edward leave and walked upstairs to see him laying with his daughter and granddaughter. He shook his head as he grabbed a blanket from Madison's closet and covered them up before walking out and closing the door.

Edward raised up and smiled. He kissed Madison's head than Carrie's before he acted to be asleep.
Hearing Bella's door slam caused  Madison and Edward to wake up. Madison looked at Edward till Carrie started to cry. "I'll get Carrie. You go see what's going on."

Madison nodded and walked out of her room to see Bella with a bag. "What's going on?"

"I have a nomad coming after me. I need you to act like your fighting me."

Madison nodded and started to act like she was trying to stop Bella. "This was your choice in moving here, Bella." She said. "What about Kayden?"

"That's the problem. I don't want to be stuck living here in this small town."

Madison stood shock that her own sister used the same words as their mother. She shook her head and ran over to her dad as Bella left. "It's okay. I still have you and Carrie." Charlie tells her.

"I was always a daddy's girl." She tells him.

Edward walked down with Carrie making Charlie smile. "I'll go get us some drinks."

Once Charlie walked away, Madison looked at him. "This is her's and Kayden's mess. I'm not helping. I have my family to protect." Edward tells her as he kissed her. "You are more important than what is actually happening."

"I'm glad I didn't go." She tells him. "I'm going to get her some food going,'

Edward nodded as Charlie walked back in. He smiled as he saw Madison and Edward talking just like a married couple. He smiled as Madison walked into the kitchen to get dinner going.

"Keep her happy."

"I will, sir." He tells Charlie as Carrie wanted him to play with her making him smile and play.

Charlie knew that Madison made the right move into coming to Forks. She has someone that will love her and Carrie.

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