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MaKayla heard about a Swan baby and knew the baby has to be her doppelgänger. This made her go to Forks to meet the girl.

Alice looked at them shocked as she saw a girl that looked like the older version of Carrie Swan. "Edward, Madison, there is someone that is coming that will shock you."

"What do you mean? Who's coming?" Madison asked.

"Someone that looks like Carrie when she gets older."

Madison and Edward shared a look as they didn't understand what was happening and why Alice looks shocked. Carrie looked at her parents smiling. She stood up and started walking to them causing Madison and Edward to smile at her. "She's wanting someone to play or she knows we're worried."

The Cullen smile as they saw Carrie walking to her parents.
MaKayla arrived and knocked on the door. Madison walked to the door to see a girl standing in front of her. "Who are you?"

"Hello, I'm MaKayla Swan."

"Swan?" She said. "I never..."

"I came to meet my doppelgänger. I'm not here to hurt her. Just here out of curiosity." Madison nodded as she walked away to lead the girl in, but heard laughing. "Sweetie, I'm a vampire. I need to be invited in."

"But I thought..."

"Madison?" Edward called out and stopped seeing another vampire. "Who the hell are you?"

"MaKayla Swan. Carrie is her doppelgänger and needs to be invited in."

"By the owner please."

Madison looked at Edward as Carlisle walked over to them to let MaKayla in. Edward didn't trust her as they walked into the living room where Carrie was. "Edward..."

"She won't do anything knowing we're here."

Madison nodded as they watched MaKayla. She was curious, but why was she here. That's the only question she has for MaKayla, but she didn't ask as she had this feeling that MaKayla won't answer.

"Thank you for letting me meet Carrie, but I must go." She said.

Before anyone could actually ask MaKayla anything she disappeared. "I have a very bad feeling of why she was here."

"We all do."

Madison grabbed her bag and picked up Carrie. "I need Bella's help searching our family tree. I need answers as to why she came here and what is the main reason for meeting Carrie."

"I'll help you."

Madison smiled as her, Edward and Carrie left. They were going to protect Carrie for whatever it's worth. That's a promise Edward and Madison will keep.
In Forks, MaKayla met up with her best friend. "Well."

"Klaus is getting the ritual he has been waiting for, but who will he want more. Elena or Carrie."

"We'll find out." Kathrine tells her. "Let's leave before the Salvatore's catch on to us being here."

"Agree." She said as they left.

Sorry it's been awhile, but hopefully the next chapter is longer.

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