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Madison took Carrie to Edward's which made the little girl happy as today was her 2nd birthday. "Daddy!" Carrie squealed out as she ran to her father.

"Happy birthday, Princess."

Madison smiled as she watched them. She couldn't believe it's been three years since that horrible day, but two years with the blessing that helped her heal more. Meeting Edward was wonderful and she was so glad to have him in her life. "She has been wanting to see you." She said and sighed.

"What's wrong?"

"Bella has started hanging out with Jacob since dad threatened her." She said. "She's also done some reckless stuff. I don't know what to do and its been a few months and its like after Christmas she started changing."

"I'm sure she will finally be back to normal."

"I hope so."
Madison was working on her book when Bella walked in. "Hey."

"What's up?"

"I was wondering if you and Carrie would like to come with me to hang out with Jacob."

Madison sighed as she looked up. "I have to work." She said. "Carrie needs some things and I'm hoping that I get a call about a job today. I'm sorry."

"It's fine." Bella said as she left.

Madison shook her head knowing Bella was starting to like Jacob too. She looked at Carrie and smiled as she touched her cheek. "One day when your older, I hope you meet someone that you will love and not make the mistake your aunt is making." She said. "It's not right."

Edward appeared and looked at her. "She won't make that mistake." He said as he wrapped his arms around her. "She has a mother who will wait for the one she loves and stays faithful. Carrie will never follow in her aunts footsteps."

Madison smiled as she knew he was telling the truth. Carrie will never be like her aunt, she'll be like her mother and father. They will teach her that dragging someone around knowing he will never be the right choice. "Edward, don't shoot me, but I have a photo shoot for Carrie." She tells him. "She has to wear this dress."

Edward groaned as he looked at the dress. "White." He said. "I'm not ready to think of that day...What?"

"You are thinking way ahead of yourself, Mr. Cullen." Madison said as she wrapped her arms around him. "I know you love Carrie, but don't think that far ahead. She's only two and we have all the time to think of her future. Let's focus on now."

Edward looked at her and nodded. Leaning in, he kissed her making Madison smile. They heard Bella's truck making Edward leave. Madison sighed as she sat down and looked at the dress as she was glad that her photoshoot was later on and out of Forks. She packed Carrie's bag and picked up her sleeping daughter. "Let's go meet daddy and then we will get your pictures done and over with." She said as she left. "I hope things go back to normal."

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