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The next day, Madison woke up to the sun shining in her eyes making her close her eyes till they adjusted. She looked to see Carrie gone and remembered Charlie saying he was going to spend time with her. She grabbed her clothes and walked to grab her phone when she saw a letter.

Bella will find out tonight. She will ask you to go dress shopping, but Alice said you would refuse. Call me after class so we can discuss this together.

Madison shivered at the thought of dress shopping. She hated watching people try on dresses to figure out what looks best. Especially in front of men who cannot be trusted.
Madison stood by her locker as she was looking through her papers. She couldn't seem to find what she was looking for. "Where is it?" She mumbled. Her phone rang causing her to sigh and answer it. "Hello?"

"Madison, you left your paper in the car." Edward tells her.



"Thank you for telling me." She tells him. "I'll go get them. Talk to you later."

Madison sighed as she put her things in her locker before shutting it. She walked out thinking of how Bella will take the news of the Cullens. She heard Bella ask if she could go and knew. There was no stopping her sister.



"Do you want to go?"

"Actually, I'm going to go home and spend some time with Carrie." Madison tells her. "School and home is good for me."
Madison smiled as she hung the phone up. Her father was having a wonderful time with Carrie meaning she was alone. "I should have went with Bella." She tells her self.

"I'm glad you didn't." She heard and looked at Edward.


"I want to show you something." He said as he stood in front of her. "Do you trust me?"

"I'll always trust you." Madison said as she grabbed his hand. "Let's go."
Madison was in awe when she saw the field of lilacs. All her life she has never seen something so beautiful. Something so perfect. She looked at Edward and kissed him. "It's beautiful." She tells him. "Thank you for bringing me here."

"I came across it when I was hunting." He tells her. "I come here to get away from my family. Now I want it to be a place for you, me, and Carrie."

Madison smiled and hugged him. "It's perfect." She said.

Edward kissed her as she kissed back. Before it got heated, the two pulled away and smiled at one another. They laid down in the field and looked at the star field night sky. Madison looked beside her and smiled as Edward looked at her. Madison Swan is in love with Edward Cullen.

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