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A month after the Cullens left, Bella fell into a depression. Madison was barely home as she had to take Carrie to the doctor and also go see Edward. Things haven't been the same since they left.

Bella won't speak to her and it hurts Madison as she just wants to talk to her sister about girl things, Charlie is under a lot of stress, and Edward is trying to find ways to get Kayden to see he has made a mistake.

"I'm telling you, mom. Things changed." Madison said. "I can't talk to my sister without her staring off into space and dad...I don't know what to do."

"Try to help her some more and if Bella can't seem to lean on you or Charlie. Send her here." Renee tells her daughter. "I hate hearing about this."

"I hate that it's happening." She said. "Edward is trying to get Kayden to see he has made a mistake."
Edward called Kayden and sighed as soon as he answered. "You have no idea what you have done." Edward said.

"Well hello to you."

"Kayden, Bella won't talk to no one. She barely eats and barely talks." He tells him. "This move you made was a mistake cause it's not only hurting Bella, but it's stressing my mate out. Madison can't focus on school, Bella wakes up screaming and no one doesn't know what to do."


"Don't say it was for the best because it wasn't." Edward says. "My daughter can't sleep properly because of her aunt screaming at night."

"That's not my problem. I did it for her safety and if you nor Madison can understand that than don't call me again."

"Just know this Kayden, if something happens to Bella, I will not turn her or feel sorry for her. You caused them hell and eventually you will learn your damn lesson." Edward said as he hung up. He meant every word, if Bella does, he won't turn her or feel sorry for her because Kayden caused this mess and then he can fix it.
"Bella?" Madison said as she walked in. "It's been a month since we spoke and I have to admit, I hate it." She confessed as she sat down beside her. "Carrie can't sleep, dad is stressed and I...I need my sister." Madison said as a tear fell. "Kayden isn't worth this, Bella. I know you love him, but he isn't worth this pain. He'll realize his mistake sooner or later, but when he comes back, you better give him hell."

For the first time in a month, Bella looked at her sister. She didn't say a word as she hugged her sister. Madison smiled as she knew what to do and hopefully Edward helps her come up with ideas to bring her sister out of this depression. "You have me and Carrie, Bella." She said as she wiped her tears. "I will have my sister back."

Bella watched her sister leave and knew that Madison Swan wasn't joking. When she says something, it will be her mission to do what she had said. In this case, she was going to get Bella back to old self again and soon.

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