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Edward and Madison was not expecting Bella and Kayden to follow them. The two knew about Victoria, but Edward didn't care as he had someone to protect. Madison and Carrie. The only thing that kept bugging him was the way Madison was eating. "Madison?" She looked at him. "You're eating weird food."

Madison looked at her plate and screamed out as she ran to her mom. "Mom!"

Phil laughed as Edward was confused. "Edward, the last time she did that, she was pregnant."

Edward didn't know what to say. Madison, he's wonderful mate, was pregnant, with his child. He stood up to go see if she was okay. Madison ran back in and kissed him. "Watch Carrie. I'll be right back..."

"No. If you are pregnant, I want to go with you."

Madison nodded as she went to get Carrie dressed and ready for this moment. The moment to find out if she is a big sister. Something she never once thought was possible and neither did Edward.
The only thing Edward could say was that he was glad that it was night out. He sat holding his mates hand as they waited on results. "Mommy. Daddy." They looked at Carrie and smiled.

"Come here."

"She's tired, but she wants her parents." Renee says. "Have they told you anything?"

"Not yet." Edward says looking at Madison. "I will be happy to have another baby."

"Me too."

Renee smiled as the doctor walked in causing them to look up at them. "Miss. Swan?" She nodded. "It looks like you and your boyfriend are expecting."

Madison and Edward looked at one another shocked as Renee was overjoyed. The two smiled and shared a kiss. They didn't care it was impossible, but they will discuss their next move. Edward smiled as he hugged her. They were a growing family. "This is exciting." Renee tells them. "I'll be right back. I'm going to call Phil and tell him the news. You call your father."

Madison nodded as Edward pulled his phone out. "I'm telling Aro about the baby."

"Calling them first is a better option then calling Carlisle and Esme. They will want a meeting before we decide on our own."

Edward nodded as he kissed her head. He walked out causing Madison to smile as she pulled her daughter into her lap. Carrie started closing her eyes as she was finally in one of her parents arms. The arms she rather have when she wants to sleep. Her mom or her dad. Madison smiled as she couldn't wait for this new one to come. Grabbing her phone, Madison made the call. "Daddy?" She says. "I have some news."

Renee walked in just to hear her daughter say. 'I'm pregnant."

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