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The Cullen house was nothing, but tension. Madison stood with Carrie in her arms as Edward looked at them. Madison didn't say a word as she waited for one of them to speak. "Madison?" She heard Rosalie ask.


"Explain." Jasper says.

"After you guys saved me, I started researching. Your eyes is what caught my attention because I have never saw anyone with golden eyes. As I research, the more I started getting answers. Hearing the legends on La Push and how it was your ancestors, but it wasn't." Madison said as she looked at Edward. "It was you that made a treaty."

"Yes." Edward said. "But why didn't you tell us?"

"I didn't want no one mad because I meddled." Madison tells them. "I'm sorry."

Edward walked over and kissed Madison making her smile. He pulled back and kissed Carrie's head. "I can never be mad at you for finding out. It made me feel relieved."

Madison smiled as she sat down with Rosalie taking Carrie. Madison continued to talk about what she learnt and how she hid it well from Bella. They told her that Bella was close to finding out making Madison look at Edward scared of the outcome.

Sorry it's short, but that was what this chapter was going to be about.

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