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The next day was tensed as Madison arrived at school. She saw Bella going into the woods with Kayden and shook her head. Wondering how well this will turn out made Madison walk to Edward. He saw her and hugged her as he knew she wasn't looking forward to this. "Kayden has this all under control."

"Okay, but just know she may want to be like you guys." She tells him.

"I know."

Madison laid her head against Edward's shoulder knowing how Rosalie and Jasper will react.
Laughing as she read a story to Carrie, who kept grabbing her nose. "Okay." Madison said as she laid the book down. "Let's play."

Carrie giggled as she ran making Madison chase her. Edward heard laughing and saw Carrie. "Dada." She said as she ran into his arms.

Madison stopped once she saw Edward. "Hi." She said.

"Having fun?" He asked. Madison nodded. Edward looked at Carrie and smirked. "Let's run from mommy."

Madison's eyes widened as she watched him run, but at human speed. She laughed as she ran after them. Charlie looked outside and saw Madison chasing Edward and Carrie.

Edward placed Carrie down as she ran and attacked her mother. Edward chuckled making Madison and Carrie run to him and tackled him. The three laughed making Charlie laugh at them.
Next day, the Swans arrived at the Cullens. Edward getting Carrie out as Madison grabbed the bag. The three walked in with a sleepy Carrie. "Since I already met them, can we take her up to your room to sleep."

"Sure." Edward said as he carried Carrie upstairs. Madison decided to go say hi. Edward walked in and smiled as he laid Carrie in the crib he bought. Madison walked in and smiled. "You bought her a crib?"

"I wanted her to have a place to sleep when you come over." Edward said as he grabbed her hand. "Madison, you have no idea how long I have waited for you and Carrie, it was worth it."

"I think I know." She tells him as they shared a kiss.

Edward walked over to his stereo and started playing classical music. Madison walked over to him as they started to dance. Bella and Kayden walked by to see the couple dancing.

"Edward's happy." Esme said.

"He has Madison and Carrie."

"She gave us something none of us could have." Esme tells him. "Kayden is happy too."

"At what cost."

Esme went to kiss him before walking away.

Back upstairs, Madison watched as Edward read one of his books to Carrie. Each word he said, Carrie was interested, but Madison started laughing when she tackled Edward. "I think I should have warned you. After a nap, she's extremely hyper."

"I can tell." Edward said. "Want something to eat?"

Carrie stopped and nodded making Madison smile. "Let's get you some food."
Rosalie watched Carrie eat happily. Jasper walked in and kissed the little girl and hugged Madison. Edward was happy that two of the members who didn't agree about Bella was fine with Madison and Carrie. That's all he wanted was for his family and the two girls that made him accept himself for the guy he is. Madison and Carrie Swan became his life.

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