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To say that Madison wasn't expecting to see Alice early in the morning was a surprise. "What's going on?" She asked as she put Carrie down to play.

"Bella is dead." Alice said.

Madison stopped and looked directly at Alice hurt from the news. Her sister was dead. Alice grabbed Madison and helped her to the couch as she called Edward. "Edward, it's Madison. She needs you."

"My sister is dead." She says. "Are you sure?"

"That's why I'm here. To see if my vision was correct."

Madison nodded as she waited for Edward. She looked at Carrie and smiled as she was playing away without a care in the world. She sighed as she hopes that Bella really isn't dead.
Edward sat with Madison as they waited for Bella to arrive any second. Carrie was in bed as it was her nap time. "Edward..."

"I smell him." Edward says making her look at him.

"Who?" Bella and Jacob walked in. "Oh my god." She says as she hugged her sister. "I thought you were dead."


"I have never seen someone so prone to killing herself."

Madison was pulled back into Edward's arms as they watched the scene unfold. Edward kissed her head as he decided to carry up her upstairs so they can have peace and quiet. "Edward, what's going to happen?"

"I don't know, but we will stay out of it."

Madison nodded and looked at him. "Edward, would you ever turn me?"

"I can't imagine a life where you are not in it." He says. "So yes."

Madison smiled as she kissed him. "I love you."

"I love you, but in order for you to turn, I have a request."


Edward breathed in and exhale. "Marry me, Madison."

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