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Madison smiled the next day as she decided to walk and meet Sue at the diner. She walked towards it and saw Sue and Harry. "Good morning." Madison replied as she got closer making Sue look at her and smile.

"You didn't have to walk here you know." Sue said.

"Fresh air doesn't bother me none." Madison said as she handed Carrie over. "Mommy will see you after school. I love you."
Edward stood by waiting for Madison. Bella was already there, but no sign of Madison. He was beginning to worry till he saw the car. He sighed till he smelt wet dog and growled. "Edward, she speaks to Sue every morning. Don't." Rosalie warned. Even though the blonde didn't like it herself, but she respected Madison.

Edward nodded and walked over to her. "Hey."

Madison turned and smiled at him. "Hey."

"Ready for the day." Madison nodded. The two linked arms and walked to class in a deep conversation. She noticed that Kayden wasn't near the others and wondered where he was. Edward said something making her laugh and not think about Kayden.
A week has went by since the twins moved to Forks. Madison has gotten closer to Edward than she thought. He made her feel comfortable when others stared, he helped her calm down from murdering her sister do to questions that Madison, herself, didn't have answers too.

Madison got dressed and walked downstairs to get in her vehicle, but stopped when she saw Edward. "Edward?"

"I thought I could give you a ride."

"Did I ever tell you how much I love you." Madison said and blushed at those words making Edward chuckle.

"Is it just the ride or me?"

"The ride?" She questioned herself making Edward realize that Madison has the same feelings as him. Madison Swan maybe his mate, but he actually loved her not because of the bond, but her personality. She was sweet, funny, loving, caring, everything that a guy should want in a girl. Madison was everything he wanted. "Edward?"

He looked at her and smiled. "Let's go."
School was slow, but Madison had made it through to the last period. Something was telling her that something bad was going to happen and she was not looking forward to that. Edward noticed the change and hugged her. "What's wrong?"

"I have a bad feeling that something is about to happen."

Kayden looked at the two wondering what Madison meant. Edward calmed her down by talking about anything and everything. Something that will keep her mind off of that feeling.

After class ended, the feeling got stronger and Madison grabbed Edward as she didn't understand why she suddenly felt danger. "Edward."

"I'll be right with you." Edward tells her making her smile.

The two walked out and saw Kayden rush to Bella's side causing Madison to see the van collide with her sister's truck. "Bella!" She screamed as Edward held her close.

"She's okay."

Madison looked and saw Kayden jump from behind the truck as Bella stood up between both vehicles. "What the hell?" She mumbled shocked about what just happened and how Kayden got over to Bella that fast. "Edward."

"I don't know." Was all he said as he knew what happened, but didn't want to answer her right off the back.

"When your ready, tell me." She tells him as she walked to her sister and hugged her. Edward went to Kayden and smacked him up side the head for what he done. He was worried about what Madison will say the next time they talk.

Sorry it's short

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