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Filler chapter
Edward listened to Kayden tell them that they had to leave, but Edward had to disagree. "I'm not leaving." He said. "You say it's to protect Madison and Carrie, but its not." He tells them. "I am Carrie's father now and I have to stay here for her and Madison is my mate. I can't just up and leave her like you will Kayden."


"I made up my mind and I chose wisely. I'm staying with my family." Edward tells him. "I can stay here and if Bella shows up, I'll stay hid where she can't find me. As long as I'm with Madison and Carrie, that's all that matters to me."

They looked at Edward and knew he made his decision. He wasn't leaving Madison or Carrie behind.
Madison didn't go to school that day as Carrie had a doctors appointment. When she walked out with Carrie, she stopped when she saw Edward. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to tell you I made the right choice." He said with a smile. "I'm not leaving you or Carrie."

Madison went to say something when Carrie coughed. She looked at her daughter with a smile who just laughed at what she just did. Edward smiled as he kissed Carrie's head and Madison's head. "I think you made the right choice." She tells him.


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