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Prom finally came and Madison was nervous. She saw her daughter sound asleep and smiled as she walked out of her room. Edward was talking to Kayden when he heard heels. He looked up just to be shocked. "Too much."

"No." He said. "Too perfect."

Madison smiled as Charlie kissed her head. "She's asleep?" Madison nodded. "Go have fun."

Madison smiled as they left. "Bella wants to be turned no more than ever."

Edward sighed as that was not the sign he was looking for. Madison grabbed his hand and smiled. "We will let Kayden deal with that." She said as she got in his car. Madison watched as he took the driver side. "Tonight, we will focus on us."

"I like that sound."
Madison smiled as her and Edward walked together. She didn't see Jacob, but Edward did. He knew that Jacob was waiting for Bella. "Ready?"

"Yes I am."

That night was magical. We danced, talked, kissed. It was just us and no one else. Every word he spoke made me fall in love with him even more. I hope when Carrie gets older, she meets a guy that will love her just like Edward loves me. I love him just as much.

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