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Another Filler
Walking into the cafeteria, Edward and Madison walked in discussing their plans. "I think we should go visit mom. Let her see Carrie." She tells him. "Mom has been asking about when she can finally see her granddaughter again. This time, I get to introduce her to you."

Edward smiled as he kissed her head as they sat down. Bella looked at them smiling. "So, what were you two talking about?"

"Just something we are planning with Carrie.' She tells her. "We're planning on going to mom's."

Bella nodded as Kayden looked at his brother who was looking at Alice. Madison looked at him and knew something was up. Grabbing his hand, Edward looked at her and leaned in to tell her. "Victoria is back."

Madison couldn't believe this was happening. She thought Victoria left for good, but she didn't.
At the Swans, Madison was packing hers and Carrie's things when Edward walked in. She looked at him as he looked at a sleeping Carrie. She walked over to him and wrapped her arms around him. Edward looked at her just to lean in. Sharing a kiss, Madison held onto him as he walked her back to the bed. "I don't know." Edward says causing her to smile.

"Edward, I'm ready. For you." She tells him. "I've been ready for awhile, but didn't say anything."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." She tells him as he kissed her again.

Kayden arrived back with Bella to see his brother's car. "How about we come back in a few hours?"


"I think Edward and Madison are completing their mate bond."

Bella gave him a disgusting look as they drove off. She wondered why they were suddenly going to Jacksonville.
The next day, Edward held Carrie as they walked to the gates. "Edward?" He looked at Madison. "Are you nervous about meeting mom?"

"It was more your dad." He says kissing her head as Kayden and Bella got behind them. "Are we all ready?"

They nodded as they walked onto the plane. Madison had a plan for her and Edward with Carrie in the night time. To walk the beach and play with their daughter. Edward smiled at her plan as they sat down. He kissed her causing Carrie to squeal out making them separate and smile at her. "I think this little vacation is what we need." Madison says as Edward put his arm around her.

"It is." He says. "Just us three."

Madison smiled as they started planning everything else.

What's next for Madison and Edward? I'm trying to make the chapters longer, but it's getting harder for this one because I didn't think I would go this far.

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