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Madison woke up the next morning to her daughter crying. "Oh baby." Madison cooed as she fixed her a sippy cup. She walked over and picked Carrie up. "Here you go sweetie." She said as she hand her the sippy cup and Carrie started drinking. Bella smiled at her sister as she watched her niece feed.

"Woke up cranky." Bella said. "Dad said that Sue will be here to pick Carrie up."

"Okay, I'll get her dressed and bring her down in a few." Bella nodded as she went downstairs. Madison laid an outfit out for Carrie and started getting ready herself as Carrie drank her milk. Once Madison was dressed, Carrie was done.

"Mama." Madison smiled and picked Carrie up.

"Let's get you to grandpa." Carrie started playing with her mom's hair as they went downstairs. "Here you go dad."

"Come on Carrie, your mama needs to go to school." Carrie reached out for Charlie making Madison smile. Charlie took Carrie in his arms and smiled. "Get to school." Madison nodded and walked out the door to her car.

"Hopefully things work out." Madison mumbled.
Jasper and Rosalie where on the look out for Madison. Edward looked at them curious as to Madison is. "Who's Madison?" He asked. "And why are you two looking for her?" Kayden wanted to know also.

"She's this girl we saved two years ago." Rosalie tells them. "She was raped. We stayed with her till it was time to go." Edward felt bad for the girl.

"A month later, she calls telling us that she was pregnant and that she was keeping the child." Jasper informs them. "Madison called us last month and told us she was coming here."

"We promised to show her around the school." Rosalie tells them. Alice already saw Madison more than once. She was Edward's soulmate. They saw a car similar to Edward's pulling in making Rosalie and Jasper smile. "She's here."

Madison got out and saw two familiar blondes. "Rosalie? Jasper?" The two hugged her. "I can't believe that I actually got to see you two again."

As the three talked, Edward was in a trance with the beautiful girl in front of him. Emmett smirked at Edward. "Looks like you found your mate." Rosalie and Jasper heard and told Madison to get her schedule. Madison nodded and left as the two turned towards Edward.

"If you, what so ever, hurt her. I will kill you." Rosalie threatened as she walked away to find Madison.

"I wasn't planning too." Edward tells Jasper as he followed Rosalie.
Madison smiled as she was searching for her first class when she bumped into someone. "I am so sorry." Madison said as her sister walked over.

"Maddie, are you okay?" Bella asked not caring for the person that Madison bumped into.

"I'm fine." Madison replied as she held her hand out. "I'm sorry. Again." Edward grabbed her hand and stood up. Once he connected his golden eyes with her brown ones, he froze as he looked at his mate. Bella smiled as she noticed.

"I'm going to find my class." Madison blushed and nodded at her sister. Edward saw Madison's schedule on the floor and picked it up.

"I think this is yours." Edward said as he handed her the schedule.

"Thank you." Madison said as she took her schedule back. "I'm Madison Swan."

"Edward Cullen." He replies.

"I hope to see you around." Edward nodded as he watched Madison walk towards her class. Edward smiled and walked away hoping that Madison will sit with them at lunch.
After three periods, it was now lunch and Madison was in the library searching for a book that she hasn't read yet, but so far nothing. She didn't know she was being watched as she looked for a book. Edward grabbed a book and walked over to her. "Madison?" She looked and smiled at Edward.


"Why are you not at lunch?" Madison shrugged. "Need help finding something."

"Well, I'm trying to find a book I haven't read." Madison told him. "I have read every book that this library have."

"Maybe you'll find something interesting." Edward tells her. Madison nodded as she went back to searching with Edward helping her. The two haven't found a book that they didn't read by the time the bell rang for class. "Well look like at it this way, we have this class and last period together."

"Okay and maybe you can tell me what books you haven't read yet so I can be on the lookout as you look for the books I haven't read." Madison offered.

Biology came making Madison smile as she made her way to class. She walked in before Bella and had her slip signed and took her seat beside Edward. "How has your first day been?"

"Slow, but I made it this far so I'm good." Edward nodded. Bella walked in and saw her sister and Edward Cullen talking. Her attention went to Kayden who stiffens due to her scent. Bella was confused as to what happened making Madison look at her than at Kayden with a glare. "He better not hurt my sister."

Edward looked at his brother and read his mind. Bella is Kayden's singer. "I'm sure he will be rude first than things will change." Madison nodded and faced the front, not knowing about the situation going on behind her, but Bella will tell her about it. Madison and Edward worked in a comfortable silence.

The bell rang after an the forty five minutes was up. Madison saw Kayden leave making her look at her sister who was ready to cry. "Edward..."

"I'll go see what he's problem is." Madison smiled. She walked over to her sister's table and hugged her.

"Let's go home." Bella nodded and grabbed her things before the two walked out. "Edward is going to find out what Kayden's problem is." Bella nodded as she was trying to understand Kayden.
Edward saw his mate in her car ready to go. He shook his head knowing Kayden upset Madison, but something tells him that Bella is suspicious about why he acted the way he did. With Bella knowing, they might be in danger.

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